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肚皮舞之夜!Belly Dance Night!

他的肚子腆着。His belly protrudes.

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大腹便便是可以遗传的吗?Is belly fat inherited?

他现在有啤酒肚了。He has a large belly now.

我看着我的小腹。I look at my little belly.

马跃满肚子的话说不出。Ma Yueman belly words out.

饱肚说话都好听。A full belly counsels well.

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空腹难听人言。An empty belly hears nobody.

哪里是宝宝的肚脐?Where Is Babys Belly Button?

如何挑选五花肉?How do you choose pork belly?

甜言美语填不饱肚皮。甜言美语无济于事。Fair words fill not the belly.

它的肚子上有一个育儿袋。Its belly on a child-care bag.

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GAU-90速射炮的子弹横扫进它的腹部。The GAU 90 rips into its belly.

如何快速减掉将军肚?How to quickly lose belly general?

眼晴比肚子还小。The eye is smaller than the belly.

你怎么有啤酒肚儿了?Where did you get that beer belly?

甜言美语填不饱肚皮。Fair words will not fill the belly.

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他的大肚子鼓胀着像个大锅。His big belly swells out like a pot.

乌龟的腹部和壳是相同的。The belly and the shell is the same.

只红番茄挺着圆鼓鼓的肚子走过来。A red tomato came with hes big belly.