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她较喜欢新水疗池的环境。She prefers the ambience at Spa House.

法国餐厅的环境很好。The ambience in the French restaurant is very good.

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关于内克尔的步伐,是热带,异国情调的氛围。On Necker, the pace is tropical, the ambience exotic.

一进到大厅,我马上爱上了那里的气氛。I entered the lobby, and loved the ambience immediately.

它具有开放的花木场宁静氛围。It has landscaped grounds have an open and quiet ambience.

高速公路对周边环境的噪声污染是较严重的。The yawp pollution of freeway to the ambience is rather severe.

营造氛围,借烛光进晚餐,节约用电。Improve the ambience and dine by candlelight, saving electricity.

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如果音乐节目的支持人在谈话中插播一点乐曲,也许会使气氛好一些。If DJ insert some music in his talking, ambience may be much better.

有!法式落地窗和沙发椅让人感觉很舒适。Yes. The French windows and the sofas create a comfortable ambience.

此起彼伏,全因为那些疾痛往往是若有似无。Come and go, all because the pain of those illnesses are often ambience.

白色的玻璃表面传达了通风和生活氛围的感觉。The white glass surfaces convey a sense of airiness and living ambience.

茶馆的环境与茶的品质同样重要。The ambience of the teahouse is just as important as the quality of the tea.

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Spira觉得通过调节合适亮度的照明,他可以创造良好的气氛。Spira thought that through the right lighting, he could provide the ambience.

旁边有一个小型室外音乐台,突出地呈现出19世纪的风格。A small bandstand pavilion sits nearby, reinforcing the 19th-century ambience.

碳素纤维饰材及名贵木材装饰为整个车辆更添高贵色彩。Carbon fiber interior trim or exquisite woods complete the exclusive ambience.

你觉得这里的气氛适合情侣约会,还是商务宴请?Would you say that the ambience is romantic or better suited for business ocassions?

不过,太阳能灯,是非常有益的,如果你只是在寻求一个位元的氛围。However, solar lights are very useful if you are simply looking for a bit of ambience.

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议程中伴随着机器上跳动着的文字,渐渐烘托出会议的氛围。That ambience has been created by the dehumanising language of the conference sessions.

我还没有想好我要在这张图里表现的氛围。Ok. I haven't really thought about the ambience that I would like to give to this piece.

秋天那让人恢复青春活力的气氛远比历法还要古老。The rejuvenating ambience of autumn is immeasurably more ancient than even the calendar.