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销售额提上去了。Sales picked up.

我们采花。We picked flowers.

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我们为取名字而费尽心思。We picked out names.

他把那个球拾起来。He picked up the ball.

我拿起了自己的小桶。I picked up my bucket.

我用我的iPhone接了他的电话。I picked up my iPhone.

他把钱捡起来。He picked up the money.

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他撬开了门。He picked the door open.

王子将舞鞋拾起。The prince picked it up.

小男孩弹着班卓琴。The boy picked the banjo.

我端起空了的杯子。I picked up the empty cup.

他很不情愿的接起了电话。Reluctantly, he picked up.

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他中途让一个搭便车的人上了车。He picked up a hitch-hiker.

然后有人把我扶起来。Then somebody picked me up.

他拿起了拉链袋。He picked up the Ziploc bag.

我截下了一些通话聊天。I picked up on some chatter.

他从来不收拾他的袜子。He never picked up his socks.

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他把一条旧被子撕得粉碎。He picked apart an old quilt.

行业再有起色。The industry picked up again.

你们选择了一个负数。You picked a negative number.