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眼线笔有不同的类型。There are different types of kohl.

2月9日,赫尔穆特.科尔来会见我。On February 9, Helmut Kohl came to see me.

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我们讨论了科尔的接受和自由。We've talked about Kohl on acceptance vs. freedom.

该仪器在华盛顿和杰弗逊的收集是由Max科尔的克姆尼茨。The apparatus in the Washington and Jefferson collection is by Max Kohl of Chemnitz.

人们认为这种眼影粉可以防止失明,医生包里都会带这种粉。Kohl was thought to help prevent the eyes from blindness, and doctors carried it in their bags.

他们所使用的化妆品都是磨碎的矿石,如孔雀石、方铅矿均能制成一种称为眼影粉的东西。These cosmetics were made by grinding ores like malachite and galena into a substance called kohl.

所以现在某些基督教民主联盟成员希望回归康拉德·阿登纳和赫尔穆特·科尔的亲欧洲传统道路。So some Christian Democrats now want to reclaim the pro-Europe heritage of Konrad Adenauer and Helmut Kohl.

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就算有一些眼影残留在眼皮上又怎么样,至少大部分妆都卸了,对吧?So what if there are remnants of kohl around your lids, at least most of your makeup has been removed, right?

有点讽刺的是科尔和密特朗竟意外地成就了货币史上的一次伟业。It is surprising and somewhat ironic that Kohl and Mitterrand achieved one of the greatest feats in the history of money.

你眼眶周围的黑色眼影,和手背上的褪色指甲花图案,都让你看起来像是从来没洗过澡一样。The kohl around your eyes and the faded henna designs on the back of your hands, they make you look like you never take a bath.

1991年当时的总理赫尔穆特.柯尔,在东部哈勒市遭示威人士丢鸡蛋、番茄和泼漆攻击。Then chancellor Helmut Kohl was ambushed by demonstrators hurling eggs, tomatoes and paint in the eastern city of Halle in 1991.

作为一名社会民主的坚信者,伯莱邀请赫尔穆特·科尔总理到普伦茨劳贝格区破旧家中,让她的朋友们大吃一惊。A convinced social democrat, she shocked friends by inviting Chancellor Helmut Kohl to her home in Berlin’s grungy Prenzlauer Berg.

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她们用埃及化妆油膏来把眼睑涂黑,用粉来使皮肤洁白,双。They used Egyptian kohl for darkening the eyelids, powdered chalk for whitening the skin, and a red colouring matter for the cheeks.

1989年柏林围墙倒塌后,柯尔与东德缔结了统一两国经济制度的条约。After the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, Kohl concluded a treaty with East Germany that unified the two countries' economic systems.

艾玛红毯上的颠覆形象,厚重的烟熏妆和皮夹克,这个泼辣的风格很讨人喜欢!Emma changed up her look for this red carpet event, with heavy kohl smokey eye make-up and in a leather jacket. We love her vixen style!

密特朗所提供的一切都是计谋好的--基本上依靠德国本身就可取得货币联盟,但是科尔必须在时间的安排上做出让步。Mitterrand's offer was well framed -- Germany would get a currency union largely on its terms, but Kohl would have to compromise on timing.

科尔基本认同货币统一虽然他也曾表示货币统一应该在今后数十年内才能完成。Kohl fundamentally agreed with the goal of a common currency, although he had previously indicated that it should be accomplished in future decades.

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科尔赶回了德国,11月10日他在柏林申纳贝格市政厅同站在他一边的德国前总理维利勃兰特发表讲话。Kohl hurried back to Germany, where he spoke on Nov. 10 at the Schöneberg Town Hall in Berlin with former German Chancellor Willy Brandt at his side.

西德总理赫尔穆特•科尔高度赞扬开放柏林墙的举动,称其具有历史性意义,并邀请东德领导人克伦茨进行会晤。West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl has hailed the decision to open the Wall as "historic" and called for a meeting with East German leader, Egon Krenz.

在我们会晤后的记者招待会上,科尔对不久前在半夜去世的89岁高龄的参议员富布赖特发表了一段令人感动的颂词。At the press conference after our meeting, Kohl paid a moving tribute to Senator Fulbright, who had died shortly after midnight at the age of eighty-nine.