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吸入,呼出。Inhale. Exhale.

撑起来的时候呼气。Exhale as you go up.

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呼气,进入下犬式。Exhale into Downward Dog.

总是呼出在水里。Always exhale in the water.

呼气,回到下犬式。Exhale back to Downward Dog.

呼气,降落到八支。Exhale into Eight Limb Pose.

呼气进入新月扭转式。Exhale into Reverse Half Moon.

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深吸气,呼气,放松。Breath deep, exhale 4, release.

呼气,进入半莲花幻椅式。Exhale into Half Lotus Chair Pose.

平稳,缓慢,安静地呼气。And gently, slowly, quietly exhale.

自由的空气我吐吐呐呐。Free is the air I exhale and inhale.

鲜花散发出芳香。Sweet odours exhale from the flowers.

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呼气回到单腿下犬式。Exhale back into One Leg Downward Dog.

深呼气,闭住气,呼气。Deep breath, hold it for a moment , exhale.

空气从肺部排出来。When we exhale we expel air from our lungs.

叠层石是最先释放氧气的。Stromatolites were the first to exhale oxygen.

当我们呼气时,肺所排出来的是二氧化碳。The lungs expel carbon dioxide when we exhale.

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呼出和放松它,就这样呼吸进入。Exhale and release it, just the way it came in.

把粗糙的甜味吐向闪烁的板岩。Exhale rough sweetness against the starry slates.

我需嘦他,正如我需嘦呼吸空气。I need him like I need the ventilation to exhale.