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还带有自动旋转的功能。It also automatically rotate.

这门会自动锁上。The door locks automatically.

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这门能自动锁上。The door locks automatically.

能自动获得自我价值。We automatically gain self-worth.

连接将自动发生。The linkage happens automatically.

这台机器自动循环运动。This machine cycles automatically.

你有什么药能治感冒?。My cold cures itself automatically.

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开机自动排气功能。Boot automatically exhaust function.

公交车现在都是自动验票了。Buses check tickets automatically now.

和以前一样,我机械地作答。Same as ever, I replied automatically.

门卫不假思索就会知道他们是谁,They'll know automatically who they are

自动寻找本地网络共享Automatically finds local network shares

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这机器是自动控制的。The machine is automatically controlled.

自动断行和分段。Lines and paragraphs break automatically.

地铁车门是自动开关的。Subway doors open and close automatically.

重新扫描将自动开始。A rescan will be automatically started now.

之后自动失去神圣的状态。And it loses its holy status automatically.

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配置规格是自动创建的吗?Are the config specs created automatically?

自动化交付肩负所有费用避免滞纳金。Pay bills automatically to avoid late fees.

名称字段应该自动更改。The Name field should change automatically.