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其次为非Q波型梗塞患者。Non-Q-wave type AMI was second.

社区里的阿美族居民,多从事劳力工作。Most of the Ami residents on the estate are manual workers.

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急慢性肝损伤病死率高,其治疗始终是较为棘手的问题。There are high prevalence and fatality rates of MS in AMI patients.

然后我可以使用和再利用,而不必为了南国牌照的急性心肌梗塞。I can then use and re-use the AMI without having to order WHM licenses.

目的总结我院药库实施零库存的经验。AMI To summarize experience of null stock in our hospital drug storehouse.

急性心梗多支病变患者的处理原则---非罪犯病变一定不能同期处理吗?AMI with Multivessel disease- Can Non-culprit Lesion be Treated at same stage?

方法分析20例急性心肌梗死院前溶栓的结果。Methods 20 cases AMI were analysised with pre-hospital thrombolysis treatment.

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女性、高龄、前壁梗死患者易于发生心脏破裂。CR more occurred in female, elder and anterior infarction in patients with AMI.

晚上游览阿美文化村及欣赏阿美族歌舞表演。Visit Ami Culture Village and enjoy an Ami Folk Dance performance in the evening.

结扎左冠状动脉前降支复制急性心肌梗死模型。AMI model was established by ligating left coronary artery anterior descending branch.

目前需要进行大规模试验评价GIK能否降低AMI病人死亡率。So a large-scale clinical trial is needed to assess whether GIK can reduce AMI mortality.

在阿美族的舞蹈草裙舞是一种宽臀部滚,创建一个圆形运动而转向。The Ami in hula dancing is a wide hip roll that creates a circular movement while turning.

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前壁与下壁AMI之间上述指标差异无显著性。There was no significant difference in QTd and QTcd between anterior AMI and inferior one.

图中茅草盖成的凉亭,原为阿美族传统建筑,可惜目前在大港口仅剩这一座。Unfortunately this is the only traditional Ami thatched veranda left standing in Takangko.

结论急诊PTCA能较好保护糖尿病并急性心肌梗死患者的心功能。Conclusion Emergency PTCA can better protect the cardiac function in diabetes patients with AMI.

移植组和对照组结扎左冠状动脉前降支造成急性心肌梗死模型。AMI was induced by ligations of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery in all the rats.

结论急性心肌梗死院前溶栓临床疗效提高,而且安全。Conclusion Pre-hospital thrombolysis treatment in AMI increases the clinical effect and it is safe.

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我们的数据表明对比稳定性心绞痛,AMI病人植入DES增加了血栓并发症的风险。Our data suggest an increased risk of thrombotic complications in patients treated with DES for AMI.

结论早期持续应用镇静止痛药对抢救AMI有积极意义。Conclusions It is helpful for early AMI patients continually use pain-killer combined with sedatives.

我们另外讨论急性下壁心肌梗塞合并二尖瓣膜逆流及顽固性休克的处理。We also discuss the management regarding inferior AMI with mitral regurgitation and refractory shock.