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别把桌布弄湿了。Don't sodden the tablecloth.

烂鳃病的症状?The symptom of sodden branchial disease?

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这里离湿气重重的伦敦盖特威克机场有六个小时的航程,正好合我们两人的胃口。Here, six hours from a sodden Gatwick, was the perfect compromise.

在地震过后的满目疮痍里闪烁着两线模糊的希望。Two faint hopes flicker in the sodden gloom left by the earthquake.

他湿透的裤子紧贴小腿,鞋子吧唧作响。His sodden trousers were clinging to his shins and his shoes squelched.

他闭上眼睛躺着,仍浸沉在梦境中的气氛里。He lay back with his eyes shut, still sodden in the atmosphere of the dream.

我经过的时候总是看到他们在雨中劳作,雨点打湿我的衣襟,他们远远的向我挥手致意。They were always out working in the rain, and as I rode by, sodden myself, they always waved.

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一般来说,当你每次揭下湿淋淋的保鲜膜那一刻,基本上就会见到一些成效了!Generally speaking, each time you peel the sodden film that moment, basically see some effects!

桌子上放着未动过的早餐——我们推断,是被那个有性格的孩子置之不理的食物。On the table sits an untouched breakfast — the sodden castoffs, we infer, of the insolent child.

比丝椤住盏灯,嗰啲闪烁嘅灯光照喺湿湆湆嘅、啱啱解冻嘅台阶同埋砂石路上面。Bessie carried a lantern, whose light glanced on wet steps and gravel road sodden by a recent thaw.

随着巨人集团的倒下,巨人大厦也因此成为中国最著名的烂尾楼之一。As giant group flat, giant edifice also becomes one of China's famousest sodden poop deck accordingly.

霍莱Hounschell视为一个手机充电器从湿透石膏混乱弹拨,然后扭过头去。Hollie Hounschell regarded a cell-phone charger plucked from a mess of sodden plaster, then looked away.

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就其中一家中型纺织厂的经历能代表许多泡在水里的当地商业。Take the experience of one midsized textile manufacturer, representative of many sodden local businesses.

之后,他收拾起她的湿衣服单独放在盥洗室的铜器顶上。After which he gathered up her sodden clothes, gently, and put them in a separate heap on the copper-top in the scullery.

介绍了道路翻浆产生的原因及防止道路翻浆应采取的施工措施。Introduces the reasons of bring about sodden & muddy road and the construction measures of preventing sodden & muddy road.

若某人的心已无贪无嗔,若他已舍弃善恶两者,如此警觉之人是没有怖畏的。There is no fear for an awakened one, whose mind is not sodden nor afflicted, and who has gone beyond both merit and demerit.

和众多明星一样,艾玛·沃特森也淋了雨,她拖着华伦天奴长袍的花边走在湿湿的红地毯上。Emma Watson was among the stars battling the elements as she trailed the hem of her Valentino gown along the sodden red carpet.

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“以圣Muirfath和天使长的名义,”Towser过了一会儿,叹了口气说,“我太需要这个了!”"By Saint Muirfath and the Archangel, " Towser said with a sigh after a few sodden moments had passed, "I had sore need of this! "

在盖房打井的过程中,田胜家的烂地里打出了温泉,轰动全村。In the process that makes a well in lid room, hot spring was made in the sodden ground of Home Tian Sheng, sensation whole village.

你尽可在臼中将愚人舂碎,但他的昏愚却永不能铲除。Though thou shouldst bray a fool in the mortar, as when a pestle striketh upon sodden barley, his folly would not be taken from him.