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借用外来词,达到新颖的效果。Use of loanword so as to create novelty.

它不同于传统意义的“宅”,是一个地道的外来词,源于日本。It is a typical loanword which first came to use in Japan.

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通过对比,阐述了现代汉语外来词的新动向。At last , it expatiated the new trend of loanword in modern chinese.

字面上有意义的音译词并不一定就是音意兼译的外来词。It is not necessary that the meaningful transliteration should be a loanword of semantic transliteration.

这种借用外来词的语言对于被借用的语言来说也是源语言。The language from which a word is borrowed may also be referred to as the source language of the loanword.

借词一方面是语言文化发展的客观规律,另一方面又受人的主观意识所支配。Loanword is subject to objective laws of the development of language and culture as well as to people's subjective consciousness.

目前学术界对以外来词命名的公司、企业、店铺、商品名称词存在着一些争议。More and more companies use the loanword to name their products. There are many disagreements on these loanwords in the academic circles.

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回顾外来词翻译的历史,就可以从中发现中华民族的心理文化变迁。Through the historical review of the loanword translation in Chinese language, changes of Chinese peoples psychological culture can clearly be stated.

本文在前人对外来词的研究的基础上,对近年来新出现的外来词作了内容和形式上的分析,并且具体分析了外来词中的音译词。Based on former loanword researches, this text analyzed the content and form of new loanwords , in addition, analyzed transliteration words in loanwords.

第二章、从蒙古语外来词汇的演变洞悉文化交流、文化层次、文化丛、文化传播等现象。The second chapter describes the development of loanword from which we can see the cultural exchange, cultural level and culture dissemination phenomena.

语言和文化的关系错综复杂,密不可分,因此,外来词翻译研究不应该局限于语言层面,而应该同时考虑语言和文化的因素。Since language and culture are intrinsically related, we should take into account both linguistic and cultural factors in study of the loanword translation.

借词不仅是词汇新陈代谢的重要方式,也是语言文化创新与发展的重要途径。Loanword is not only an important method of metabolism of vocabulary, but also an important approach to the creation and development of language and culture.

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本文梳理了中国翻译史上不同时期汉语外来词的翻译方法,旨在对今天外来词的翻译有所裨益。This paper combs different translation methods of Chinese loanwords in different stages of Chinas translation history so as to give some help to to-days loanword translation.

借词是语言接触的必然结果,蒙古语亲属称谓词中的汉语借词反映了蒙、汉两个民族在婚姻家庭层面上的影响特点。Loanword is the inevitable result of language contact. Mongolian Kinsfolk appellation words of Chinese loanword reflect the characteristics of marriage influence between Mongolian and Han.