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他长大后会变成什么样的人?What Will He BeLike As a Grown Man?

你想让我变的和其他人一样?You want me to belike everybody else?

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他为什么需要像其他人一样?Why does he need to belike other people?

我一直在思考一件事,为什么我的人生会是这样呢?I always about one thing, Why should my life belike this?

那像是挺不错的工作,你是说五元钱一天,那只是开始,是么。Belike it's a fine job. Five dollars a day, you say, to begin with?

我决定人类应和我想像的一样,与我相似。I decided that they would be like me in my image and I would belike them.

我想成为海里的浪,风中的云,但我还只是小小的我。I want to belike the waves on the sea, like the clouds in the wind, but I'm me.

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很抱歉,我得好好考虑考虑。您可能有所警觉,当前国际货币市场不太稳定。I'm apologetic. I have to think it over. As you are belike conscious, the worldwide money market is not so stable now.

如果我没有弄错的话,就论文所用的科学方法本身而言,就论文所用的科学方法本身而言,作者的立场应该受到维护。If I understand it correctly, science as science insofar as its belike scientific methodology, he needs to be defended.

这一对儿去参观了毕加索的一个画展,为了打动她,哈维告诉格洛里亚他很有可能弄到画家的签名。The pair went to a Picasso display and, to impress her, Harvey told Gloria that he could belike get the artist's autograph.

无论在生理上还是在精神上,射手座的人一定是你最先考虑的对象。这对组合沉迷于消费、旅行和冒险,是十分令人兴奋的完美拍档。This is belike your foremost associate physically and mentally. This alliance will revel in spending, voyage and adventure. Quite an exciting linkage.