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贝西问。Bessie asked.

它使贝西头晕眼花。It made Bessie dizzy.

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“是的,我感到欣慰,”贝西说。“Yes, I am,” said Bessie.

“相信我,”贝西咯咯地笑道。“Trust me,” Bessie giggled.

贝西是她的比赛而感到自豪。Bessie was proud of her race.

当她收还完债务时,有150元钱。When she's done, Bessie will have 150 money.

贝西在哈丽特家干了3年。Bessie worked for aunt Harriet for three years.

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看,他们的菜单多么轻薄易破啊。“Look how flimsy their menus are,” Bessie giggle.

“太太,她叫得太凶了,”贝茜轻声说。She screamed so loudly, ma'am, ' said Bessie softly.

“我喜欢水晶玻璃制品的b,”贝西说。“I like the gleam of crystal glassware ,” said Bessie.

“闭嘴,”贝西说,“那不过是短暂的一瞥。“Stop it,” Bessie said. “It was only a fleeting glance.

爱丽丝和贝西满怀期望地走进饭店。Alice and Bessie entered the restaurant with high expectations.

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他是我的父亲,这就像贝茜·史密斯是猫王的母亲。He is as much my father as Bessie Smith was Elvis Presley's mother.

这时,我拉住了贝茜的手,而她并没有抽回去。" I had now got hold of Bessie"s hand, and she did not snatch it from me.

“没错,但是那一小部分恰好是头部,”贝西笑道。“Yes, but that small fraction just happened to be the head,” Bessie laughed.

在死之前,她和老鸨吵了一架,后只身到了香港。Bessie died, she had a quarrel with the pimp and she want alone to Hong Kong.

爱丽丝和贝西发现自己在攀登意大利最高的冰峰。Alice and Bessie found themselves climbing the highest glaciated peak in Italy.

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为了赶上马车,我必须起个大早,贝茜帮助我做好了准备。I had to get up very early to catch the coach, but Bessie helped me to get ready.

“相信我,”贝西咯咯地笑道。“你已经香得足以把他变成化石了。”"Trust me, " Bessie giggled. "You're fragrant enough to turn him into a fossil. "

结果,不仅饭菜远不如平时做得好,而且贝西走起路来似乎东倒西歪。No only was the meal well below the usual standard, but Bessie seemed unable to walk steadily.