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看看像不像一轮弯弯的月牙呢?Look like a curved crescent?

其中一个是“新月城”。One of them is The Crescent City.

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月芽湖畔梅花开。The plum blooms by the Crescent Lake.

成矿带呈西端张开的新月状。The belt is a westward-opening crescent.

晓梦指出新月在扯谎。Xiao dream points out that lie crescent.

我是在看是新月还是半月?I mean, is it still crescent or a half-moon?

我看见一弯新月悬浮在寥廓的天空。I saw a crescent moon riding in an empty sky.

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欢迎莅临新月市,爵士乐的发祥地!Welcome to Crescent City, birthplace of jazz!

血肿呈新月形及长条状。The hematomas had crescent or long ribbon shape.

万荣说,红新月会城市的活动始于1998年。Vang said the Crescent City event began in 1998.

幸许又是这新月的暗示所致。Fortunately, May be was due to the hint Crescent.

一钩新月慢慢消失在昏黄的云彩里去了。Into the dim clouds was swimming a crescent moon.

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它如珠玑粉黛的浅浅蛾眉。It's shallow, such as Tamaki Prostitute Crescent.

规则的羊角面包的形状就像新月。Regular croissants are shaped like a crescent moon.

那里有一个弯月形的岛屿。There is an island in the shape of a crescent moon.

月牙形和不规则形的败育小孢子。Abort microspore in crescent or irregular shape. 26.

我的心充满惆怅,不为那弯弯的月亮。My heart's full of melancholy, not for the crescent.

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一钩银月慢慢从地平线上落下去。A. silver crescent moon set slowly below the horizon.

弯弯的小船悠悠,是那童年的阿娇。The crescent boat's floating, a virgin Ah Jiao in it.

现在,只有红十字和红新月的标志还在使用中。Today, only the red cross and red crescent are in use.