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这些投资减缩荒废了生产力。This disinvestment laid waste to productivity.

主要后果是对国家结构的广泛幻灭。The major result has been a massive disinvestment in state structures.

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个人投资房屋同个人撤资相抵消。The investment in the house by one person has been offset by the disinvestment of another.

吴昊完全不同意温州投资商从上海楼市撤资的说法。Ng totally disagree with Wenzhou investors from Shanghai property market disinvestment argument.

项目成为“烂尾楼”了,投资者撤资退出也是自然而然的事。Project a "uncompleted residential flats", investors are naturally withdraw from the disinvestment.

投资减少这样的情况也出现在了密歇根、华盛顿、亚利桑那州和其他许多州。Disinvestment is also happening to universities in Michigan, Washington, Arizona, and many other states.

温州人在沪购房一直是人们关注的焦点,而前一阵所谓“撤资”的传闻更是被炒得沸沸扬扬的。Wenzhou folk houses in Shanghai has been in the spotlight. but a little while ago called " disinvestment " hearsay is a seething hot.

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他认为,温州人在沪购房是有着深层次的原因的,简单地说“撤资”或“转移”其实都并不准确。He believes that Wenzhou folk houses in Shanghai is a deep-seated causes, simply say " disinvestment " or "transfer" are not accurate.

有限责任公司股东退出公司、收回投资的法律途径除了转让股权,就只有解散公司。The shareholders of corporation want to withdrawal and disinvestment only by dissolving company except that by transferring of shares.

对于媒体传出“江浙炒家撤资退出上海”的消息,他认为,如果成立确是件好事。"For the media that" fifth speculators disinvestment from Shanghai "information, he believes that if the establishment is a good thing.

现代都会之中加剧的投资与减资的周期循环,新的都市形式兴起之际旋即改变都市的景观。Intensified cycles of investment and disinvestment in the modern metropolis have altered urban landscapes as new urban forms have emerged.

对此,银行给出的官方解释,称是为了防止机构投资者快速撤资给中小投资者带来损失。In this regard, the Bank gave the official explanation, saying it is to prevent the rapid disinvestment institutional investors to small investors losses.

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许多大的跨国公司裁员撤资,许多房产项目搁置,外销房地产市场从此景气低磨、一蹶不振。Many large multinational companies layoffs disinvestment , many real estate projects on hold, the export boom from the real estate market low skills, weak.

从12日到13日,仅仅两天之内,外界预计撤资达约1亿欧元,使得该基金今年的资本流失达到10亿欧元。From 12th to 13th, only two days, the outside world is expected to reach about 100 million euros disinvestment , the fund this year has reached 1 billion euros of capital loss.

果然,在潘石屹及其伙伴撤资一年后,海南房地产热一落千丈,大量的开发资主变成了一文不值的泥石木桩。Sure enough, one year after the disinvestment and its partners in the Pan Shiyi, Hainan real estate fever experienced substantial development of the timber debris into nothing.

温州晚报上海办事处的一位负责人说,虽然今年温州人对上海房地产的投资不如去年那么火热,但他对温州人撤资上海表示怀疑。Wenzhou An official said that although this year Wenzhou folk Shanghai real estate investment than last year so fiery, but he expressed doubts on Wenzhou folk disinvestment Shanghai.

他说,最近,一些媒体纷纷报道了温州等江浙炒房客从上海撤资的消息,由此不少人面露喜色,认为上海的房价可能要跌了。He said that recently, some media have reported, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, Shanghai Real- disinvestment from the news, which many people looking happy expression that the Shanghai prices may have to fall.