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确认为无法投递的邮件。E-Mail was recognized as undeliverable.

因邮局无法递送,缺席或邮寄选票被退回。The return of an ongoing absentee ballot as undeliverable.

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你昨天发的邮件被退回来了。The e-mail you sent yesterday was returned as undeliverable.

第二十三条无法投递的邮件,应当退回寄件人。Undeliverable postal materials shall be returned to the senders.

如果邮件无法投递,将会退回给发件人。If a letter is found to be undeliverable , it will be return to the sender.

第二十三条无法投递的邮件,应当退回寄件人。Article 23. Undeliverable postal materials shall be returned to the senders.

这样就不再会出现将无法发送的消息发送到原来的发件人。This will result in no undeliverable messages being sent to the original sender.

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无法递送短消息。请确保短消息服务地址输入正确,然后再试。Message undeliverable. Make sure the SMS address was entered correctly and try again.

可以产生一个ICMP讯息且发送回到来源机器,并且此不可到达的封包被丢弃。An ICMP message may be generated and sent back to the source machine, and the undeliverable packet is dropped.

如果一个人真的喜欢你,他能为你挤出时间。没有借口,没有谎言,没有不能实现的承诺。If one really cares for you, he is able to squeeze time for you. No excuses, no lies, no undeliverable promises.

这是给星巴克发求职邮件后,我收到的回复。哈,结果还是不录你。Please do not reply to this email, as all replies are undeliverable and will not reach the Starbucks recruiting team. Thank you.

经过相当时期,无人领取时,得由中华邮政公司处分之。Chunghwa Post may dispose of undeliverable items of mail after they have been posted for claim for a considerable length of time.

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精简地址校正和一块级别跟踪,这将有助于消除送达回邮件和相关的费用。With streamlined address correction and piece-level tracking, it will help eliminate undeliverable and returned mail–and the associated costs.

我们可以为客人再次付运被退回的包裹,但客人需要支付再次付运的邮费,并按每件包裹计算。We can re-ship orders that are returned to us as undeliverable or unclaimed. However, customers will be charged resend shipping fee per parcel.

YouTube等网站在中国被墙,BBC和CNN上的一些涉及敏感话题的广播也被屏蔽,甚至连包含某木犀科花名、“革命”等敏感词也会导致短信发送不成功。Sensitive broadcasts on BBC and CNN are blacked out. Even text messages with words such as “jasmine” and “revolution” may be bounced back as undeliverable.

我每天都会查看邮箱,如果在两天内没有收到回覆,可能邮件不能送达,请重发电邮,我会尽快回覆,谢谢!I will check my mail box every day, in case of undeliverable error, please re-send the mail if you cannot get my reply within 2 days, I will reply you soon, thanks.

无法投递又无法退回的其他邮件的处理办法,由国务院邮政主管部门规定。Disposal measures for other undeliverable and unreturnable postal materials shall be formulated by the competent department of postal services under the State Council.

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由于email地址可能经常改变,每次发送过后,记得要小心追踪退回邮件和发送失败邮件的数量已保证数据的完整可靠。Since email addresses can change frequently, maintain the integrity of your email list by carefully tracking the number of bounce-backs or undeliverable emails after every campaign.

如果邮件是以往任何时候都回到了我们作为未,我们会尽最大努力联系帐户持有人,以确定哪些地址的手续,应送交方式和它在我们的成本。If any mail is ever returned to us as undeliverable , we make every effort to contact the account holder to confirm what address the check should be sent to and resend it at our cost.