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类人猿有灭绝的危险。An anthropoid ape such as a gorilla or chimpanzee.

该动物园发言人左坦汉伽人笑称2005年里酒量最大的要属那11只类人猿。Budapest Zoo spokesman Zoltan Hanga said it was the 11 anthropoid apes who drank most of the wine in 2005.

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假如我们早期的类人猿祖先没有成功地从亚洲迁移到非洲,我们就不可能存在。If our early anthropoid ancestors had not succeeded in migrating from Asia to Africa, we simply wouldn't exist.

信息和计算机网络技术的突飞猛进给人类的生产和生活方式带来了巨大的变革。The development of information technology and web technology has brought great change to the anthropoid product style and life style.

现今与人科关系最近的是猩猩科,或称类人猿,包括大猩猩、黑猩猩和猩猩。The family most closely related to the Hominidae today is the Pongidae, or anthropoid apes, including the gorilla, the chimpanzee, and the orangutan.

他的理论是,人脑所担当的角色就相当于雄孔雀的尾巴,换句话说,即人脑是用于吸引异性的一个器官。His idea is that the human brain is the anthropoid equivalent of the peacock's tail. In other words, it is an organ designed to attract the opposite sex.

本项研究有利于促进和深化建模与模型管理的类人化、智能化研究,在动态系统的实时优化控制领域具有较广阔的应用前景。Modeling and model management have been further studied with anthropoid and intellectualization, and will be used widely in real time optimal control of dynamic system.

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物竞天择。猴子的灵魂不一定比你卑微,但你身后有几十万年的类人猿进化积淀。Survival of the fittest in natural selection. Monkeys are not necessarily the soul than you humble, but you have hundreds of thousands of years of anthropoid evolution accumulation.

古生物学家发现,在这些三千九百万年前的古老化石中,有三个特征不同的类人猿家族,它们都在同一时期生活在这一地区。Paleontologists found that amongst the 39 million year old fossils there were three distinct families of anthropoid primates, all of whom lived in the area at approximately the same time.

婚姻制度发生之前没有人形成,此时地球上生命链接的高级形态是“过渡期间的生物”———南方古猿。Mankind was not formed before marriage institution occurred, at this moment the high formation of the life in the earth was living things southern fossil anthropoid in the transition period.