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在四分之一决赛中客队以7比12输给了主队。The visiting team has lost to the local team 7-12 in the quarterfinal.

周六在伊拉克赢得了四分之一决赛胜利之后已发生过街头暴力事件。There had been street violence Saturday after Iraq won its quarterfinal game.

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中国女足将在北京时间的周五在秦皇岛迎战四分之一决赛的对手日本队。China will take on Japan in their quarterfinal match in Qinhuangdao this Friday.

阿喀麦隆球迷手表在本格拉对埃及1月25日的四分之一决赛。A Cameroon fan watches the quarterfinal match against Egypt in Benguela January 25.

凭借“上帝之手”,阿根廷队在1986年世界杯上以2比1赢了四分之一决赛,并且最后一举捧得“大力神杯”。Argentina went on to win the 1986 quarterfinal match 2-1 and then win the World Cup.

我儿子所在的球队输了那场四分之一决赛,他们的不败赛季戛然而止。My son's team lost that quarterfinal game, and their undefeated season ended abruptly.

德约科维奇反应后,由于尔根梅尔泽在四分之一决赛中击败6月2日。Novak Djokovic reacts after being defeated by Jurgen Melzer in their quarterfinal June 2.

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足球场上最臭名昭著的一次欺骗行为发生在1986年6月进行的一场世界杯1/4决赛上,对阵双方是阿根廷和英格兰。Soccer's most infamous example of cheating came during the June 1986 FIFA World Cup quarterfinal.

4号种子,印度混双主宰着四分之一决赛,只用了67分钟就以两个6比4轻松胜出。The fourth seeded Indian pair dominated the quarterfinal contest, winning 6-4, 6-4 in just 67 minutes.

在一九七○年世界杯足球邀请赛分组决赛中,德国队击败了英国队,祖父为此感到十分恼怒。When Germany defeated England in the quarterfinal of the 1970 World Cup soccer tournament, grandpa was furious.

在一九七年世界杯足球邀请赛分组决赛中,德国队击败了英国队,祖父为此感到十分恼怒。When germany defeated england in the quarterfinal of the 1970 world cup soccer tournament, grandpa was furious.

其中发病数最多的是6月30日德国点球战胜阿根廷的一场四分之一决赛。The largest number occurred during a June 30 quarterfinal in which Germany defeated Argentina in a penalty shoot-out.

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在竞争对手采取在男子佩剑击剑在南美运动会在麦德林3月25日四分之一决赛的一部分。Competitors take part during the quarterfinal of the men's sabre fencing at the South American Games in Medellin March 25.

我可以断定,桑普拉斯不会因为要获得更多的掌声而复出球坛或者再次竞逐于四分之一决赛的球场上。I suspect I won't see Sampras coming out of retirement to struggle to one more quarterfinal , just so he can hear applause again.

法国首席医务官相信阿森纳中卫威廉加拉斯适合参加与巴萨的欧冠四分之一决赛。French medical chiefs believe Arsenal defender William Gallas will be fit for their Champions League quarterfinal against Barcelona.

这一切在法国网球公开赛改变了,顽强的帕芙柳琴科娃用平击球打败了兹沃娜列娃打进了她第一个四分之一决赛。That changed at the French Open, where the flat-hitting, tenacious Pavlyuchenkova upset Vera Zvonareva to advance to a first quarterfinal.

在世界杯巴西队与荷兰队的四分之一决赛上,希尔顿和罗维罗因携带大麻的嫌疑被警方逮捕。Hilton was arrested along with Rovero on suspicion of possession of marijuana at a World Cup quarterfinal match between Brazil and the Netherlands.

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葡萄牙在5场比赛中一球未失,接下来他们将要面对的是法国和尼日利亚的胜者,而法国和尼日利亚的四分之一决赛将在周日进行。Portugal, which has not allowed a goal in five matches at the tournament, will next face the winner of Sunday’s quarterfinal between France and Nigeria.

今年是南韩和伊朗连续第四次在复赛中针锋相对,目前双方各自赢得两次比赛。South Korea and Iran have now played each other at the quarterfinal stage of the Asian Cup in four successive tournaments, with each side winning twice.

罗马队长托蒂因为大腿受伤将不会参加周二在奥林匹克球场和曼联队的欧冠四分之一决赛首回合比赛。Roma captain Francesco Totti will miss Tuesday's Champions League quarterfinal first leg against Manchester United at the Olympic stadium with a thigh injury.