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橄榄园。Olive Garden.

一道对着花园的铁栏门。A gate on a garden.

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让我们看一下花园。Show us the garden.

我能变出一座花园。I can make a garden.

来到我的花园中!Into my garden come!

到曼陀罗花园。To the mandala garden.

在花园老旧的门上。On the old garden gate.

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外面的花园里呢?Out in the garden then?

她来到这个花园。She came to the garden.

你能栽植出一个花园吗?Could you grow a garden?

么有花园无杂草。No garden lacking weeds.

农、工具及园林工具。Farm tools, garden tools.

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有另一个小花园Here is a brighter garden

他们有一个小花园。They hae a little garden.

我们在梅园相逢。We met in the Mei Garden.

本园花木不得攀折。Flowers beautify a garden.

花园里开满鲜花。Flowers filled the garden.

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府前花园广场。House Front Square Garden.

花园用砖围砌。The garden was bricked in.

她的菜园也是一种治疗法。Her garden is also therapy.