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你看,就是那边的枯木长堤。Look at that long levee of logs.

我有个在堤上干活的女人。I got a woman who works on the levee.

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没人知道下一次出问题是桥梁,河堤还是水管。No one can predict what bridge, levee or water main will fail next.

非洲裔美国人的租客家旁边的密西西比河大堤。African American's tenant's home beside the Mississippi River levee.

天然堤一旦被洪水冲积,就会产生新的叉流。Once a natural levee alluvial flood, it will generate a new cross-flow.

官员们希望,以确保大堤能阻挡的额外的水。Officials want to make sure the levee can hold back the additional water.

一条西部棉口蛇在穿越伊利诺斯一条河堤路的旅途中未能幸存下来。A western cottonmouth didn't survive the trip across a levee road in Illinois.

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日积月累,积少成多,就形成了现在的这条枯木长堤。Many a little makes a mickle. Over time, a long levee of logs was thus formed.

用沙袋砌成的大坝使得爱荷华州雪松瀑布市区免遭雪松河河水的入浸。A sandbagged levee is still keeping the Cedar River out of downtown Cedar Falls, Iowa.

在这本书的开始,一位农民看到洪水漫过佛斯特鲍特镇的大堤。At the beginning of the book, a farmer sees water flooding over a levee in Forestport.

洪水切割天然堤所侵蚀出的缺口称为决口。冰川顶部的裂隙可称冰隙。A gap eroded by flood waters cutting through a natural levee. Cracks in the top of a glacier.

在新奥尔良,因为防洪堤崩溃,超过1800人死于这场风暴。More than 1, 800 people died in the storm and as a result of the levee breaks in New Orleans.

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救援人员正忙着在密苏里东部地区的一个社区周围建立一个四英尺高的沙袋筑成的防洪大堤。Crews are rushing to build a four-foot-tall sandbag levee around an eastern Missouri community.

在7月12日,美国陆军工程兵部队已将堤坝的控制权移交给了政府官员。The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers handed control of the levee over to city officials on July 12.

优化模型可以广泛应用于道路、堤防等工程的土石方调配问题中。The model can be used in earth-rock allocation of road engineering and levee engineering widely.

一条鲜明的土地分界线将汉堡和深色洪水隔离开来,这条线可能是一座堤坝。The stark earthen line separating Hamburg from the dark-colored flood water is probably a levee.

工人们争先恐后地完成包装上的老铁路路基上污垢一个临时防洪堤。Workers are rushing to complete a makeshift levee by packing dirt on top of an old railroad bed.

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密苏里州温菲尔德地区的一处临时防洪堤决堤,使得密西西比河河水淹没了整个城镇。A makeshift levee failed in Winfield, Missouri allowing the Mississippi River to inundate the town.

目的阐明特大洪水溃堤对血吸虫病流行的影响。Objective To clarify the influence on the prevalence of schistosomiasis after levee break by flood.

伊利诺斯州海湾港附近一河堤未能阻挡密西西比河飞涨的洪水。A levee near Gulfport, Illinois was not able to hold back the rising water of the Mississippi River.