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但是状态肌群又和太极拳有什么关系呢?But what is the relevance of postural muscles to Taijiquan?

两组间的姿势平衡评估也是差不多的。Evaluation of postural balance was also similar between the groups.

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就像弯腰驼背,过度挺直也可能只是一种习惯性姿势。And as with slumping, over-arching can also be a simple postural habit.

发展正常运动最关键的就是孩子的姿势性张力。The key to the development of normal movement is a child's postural tone.

先天性跟骨外翻是新生儿最常见的姿势畸形之一。Congenital calcaneovalgus is a very common postural deformity of the neonate.

重心动摇查显示不论开眼或闭眼,其姿势控制皆不良。Posturography revealed poor postural control whether with eyes open or closed.

这里有一个上市项目提供支持或在床上姿势控制范围。Listed here are a range of items which provide support or postural control in bed.

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临床上表现为静止性震颤、肌肉僵直、运动迟缓和姿势反射丧失。Its'clinical feature is rest tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia and postural instability.

举个例子,当我们骑自行车的时候,我们实际上是在用我们的状态肌肉来保持平衡。For example when we ride a bicycle, we keep our balance by the use of postural muscles.

史丹尼博士补充说,她的团队还发现这些人的姿态稳定性发生了根本性的转变。Dr. Stanney said her team also measured a fundamental shift in people's postural stability.

核心肌肉的训练有助于校正身体姿势不平衡性----这种不平衡性可能会导致损伤的发生。Training the muscles of the core also corrects postural imbalances that can lead to injuries.

跌倒是指突发、不自主的、非故意的体位改变,倒在地上或更低的平面上。Fall is a sudden, involuntary, unintentional postural changes, fall to the ground or lower plane.

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和其他α-1受体阻滞剂一样,坦索罗辛能引起体位性低血压,头晕,眩晕。As with other alpha-1 blockers, tamsulosin may cause postural hypotension, dizziness, and vertigo.

目的探讨对正常青年进行姿势描记时,不同站立条件下头部后仰对其姿势稳定性的影响。Objective To investigate the effect of head extension on the postural stability in the healthy young subjects.

在临床上表现为静止性震颤、肌强直、运动迟缓和姿势不稳等四大主要特征。PD has four essential characteristics, such as static tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia and postural unsteadiness.

由于临床息止位可受体位的影响,故又可称为下颌姿势位。The clinical rest position is also called the mandibular postural position because it affects by body position.

它是由人的面部表情、身体姿势、肢体动作和体位变化而构成的种种图象符号。It is the facial expressions, body posture, limb movements and postural changes in a variety of symbolic images.

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采用双盲法对两组病人舒适度和体位性并发症进行观察和评价。Comfort of patients and postural complications of both groups were observed and evaluated by double-blind method.

对在不同形态下机器人单足着地的稳定及失衡问题进行了研究。This paper studies the postural stability and unbalance issues of biped robots with one supporting foot on ground.

并体位引流,年长儿排痰不畅时可酌情应用支气管镜吸引。And the postural drainage, an old row of phlegm is impeded when may use judgment to apply the bronchoscope attraction.