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一张带着蓝色光晕的脸。A face in bluish hue.

这一切都是黑色的。All this was black of hue.

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这个和紫色色调又什么关系么?And what of the violet hue?

深到中等黄色。Deep medium with a yellow hue.

淡色是纯色与白色混杂后的成果。A tint is the hue mixed with white.

花尚未放,竟漂白了你的鲜艳。Nor age, to blanch thy vermeil hue.

皮肤色调为黄中带红。The hue of skin is yellow with red.

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深色是纯色与灰色混杂的产品。A shade is the hue mixed with black.

我喜欢这幅画的冷色调。I like the cool hue in this picture.

那条裙子的红颜色真好看。That dress is a beautiful hue of red.

壮丽的深蓝色云层。The splendid hue of dark-blue clouds.

水天一色。The water and the sky are of one hue.

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萨拉斯能否在英伦再度掀起蓝色狂飙?Another hue of blue for Marcelo Salas?

美丽的玫瑰,色泽红润鲜丽。Sweet rose, whose hue angry and brave.

淡色是纯色与白色混杂后的成果。A tone is the hue mixed with true gray.

深红近黑色里略带石榴色的红韵。Deep garnet to black with a garnet hue.

它们给这片风景染上一片金色。Tinges the landscape with a golden hue.

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而我的脸颊将已失去旧日的胭红色彩。And my cheeks shall have lost their hue?

带有明显紫韵的深品红色。Deep magenta with a distinct purple hue.

这种瓷器蓝中带绿。The pottery is blue with a greenish hue.