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他们将土耙平作为苗床。They raked the soil smooth for a seedbed.

冬季扦插要做好苗床的保温工作。Cutting winter insulation to do a good job seedbed of work.

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在春天到今年夏天早些时候,中期和植物从苗床深秋。Mid spring until early summer in seedbed and plant out in late autumn.

在他们选种时,我们开始耙平苗床。We began to rake over the seedbed while they were selecting the seeds.

如果可以,苗床要保持湿润,直到草种均匀发芽。If possible, the seedbed should be kept evenly moist until germination occurs.

这表明了这类系统本身的复杂性为产生潜在的安全漏洞创建了一个大温床。It shows that the complexity of such systems creates a large seedbed of potential vulnerabilities.

苗床需要最小翻耕,这样可以保持杂草的种子萌发到最低限度。Minimal tilling of the seedbed is recommended in order to keep weed seed germination to a minimum.

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床土培肥是培育水稻机插秧苗的首要措施。Seedbed soil fertilizing is one of the key measures for raising mechanical transplanting rice seedling.

总的来说,这些高产量主要是因为相宜的苗床结构和精细的手工播种。The high yields overall are attributed mainly to good seedbed structure and a manual precision seeding.

总的来说,这些高产量主要是由于适宜的苗床结构和精细的手工播种。The high yields overall are attributed mainly to good seedbed structure and a manual precision seeding.

法国冬青扦插后,要求搭棚遮荫,以减少蒸腾量和阳光直射苗床。France holly cuttings, scaffolding shade requirements to reduce transpiration and direct sunlight seedbed.

法国冬青扦插苗床应选择地势高、土层深厚、土壤疏松、排灌良好的地块。France Holly Cutting seedbed should choose the terrain, soil deep, loose soil, good drainage and irrigation plots.

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出生于布鲁克林,是美国犹太人的天才苗床,伯纳德马拉默德了作为一名教师和作家,他的生活。Born in Brooklyn, that seedbed of gifted American Jews, Bernard Malamud has made his living as a teacher and writer.

不过,研究部元老级人物,阿里斯泰尔·库克曾指出,该部一直是保守党社会关切的苗床。But the case made out by the Research Department's doyen, Alistair Cooke, is that it was the seedbed of Tory social concern.

为了防止碎土辊在转弯时同主机相刮,牵引点应当足够长。The hitch pole should be extended far enough to prevent the seedbed conditioner from contacting the host machine during turns.

扦插后还应经常浇水,保持苗床土壤湿润,以苗床表面土壤不显白为宜。Cuttings should be after regular watering, keep the soil moist seedbed to the surface soil seedbed no significant white suitable.

如果你的设备有可选择的液压下降的压力选项,你就需要一个闭心的液压系统。If your machine has the optional hydraulic down pressure option, you will need a dedicated closed-center circuit to the seedbed conditioner.

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对付阿富汗的塔利班组织,一个有苏维埃支持的政权更可取他也谴责美国在阿富汗制造了伊斯兰恐怖主义的温床。Soviet-backed regime was preferable to the Taliban in Afghanistan, and he blamed the United States for creating a seedbed for Islamist terror there.

她是中国现代文明思想的发源地,是中国现代文化的大本营,同时她还是中国现代各种思潮的摇篮。She is the seedbed of China's modern civilization, the base of China's modern culture as well as the cradle of all trends of thoughts of modern China.

海拔、光照、苗床类型、埋藏深度对秦岭冷杉的种子萌发、幼苗存活和幼苗生长率都有不同程度的影响。Altitude, lighting, seedbed type, soil thickness and seed provenances all had various effects on seed germination, seedling survival and growth of A. chensiensis.