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安静点,大卫。Be quiet, David.

我是王大卫。This is David Wang.

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戴维。别洛报道。David Biello reports.

大卫·维利报道。David Willey reports.

喂,是张知文吗?Hello, is that David?

大卫•迪泽报道。David Teather reports.

大卫令女人一见倾心。David is a lady-killer.

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我发狂地爱着大卫。I am crazy about David.

戴维在你的班上吗?Is David in your class?

不~不~大卫·阿楚雷塔!No No, David Archuleta!

她与戴维眉来眼去。She flirted with David.

大卫,你先点。You order first, David.

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大卫阿奎特商业。David Arquette business.

大卫。艾尔文是一位演员。David Irvin is an actor.

戴维在蓄须。David is growing a beard.

我名字是大卫‧强森。My name is David Johnson.

你能看到大卫•贝克汉姆。You've got David Beckham,

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琳达,我是王大卫。Linda, this is David Wang.

大卫上行之诗。Song of Ascents. Of David.

大卫躲避他两次。But David eluded him twice.