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换句话说,这首诗是一次对话。In other words, it's a poem that performs dialogism.

对话性指话语中存在两个以上相互作用的声音。Dialogism refers to the interactive voices of discourse.

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第六章讨论对话美学的生存论意义。The last chapter discusses the significance of the dialogism to being.

作者在对话理论的基础上指出翻译具有对话性。Based on dialogue theory, the author proposes that the translation is dialogism.

语篇类型不同,对话性所赖以实现的语言资源势必有所不同。Different types of texts draw on diverse linguistic resources to realize their dialogism.

第三章讨论对话美学的审美语言理论。The third chapter studies on the aesthetical discourse theory of the dialogism aesthetics.

近期的研究表明对话性也是非文学语篇的一个显著特征。Recent studies have shown that dialogism is also an essential feature of non-literary texts.

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第四章讨论对话美学的审美经验论。The fourth chapter studies on the aesthetical experience theory of the dialogism aesthetics.

本文从宗教研究的角度来谈巴赫汀的对话学。This study discusses, from the perspective of religious studies, Bakhtin's theory of dialogism.

对话性指话语中存在两个以上相互作用的声音。Dialogism refers to the presence and interaction of different voices in an utterance or discourse.

第二章是对对话美学的审美主体和审美对象理论的研究。The second chapter studies on the aesthetical subject and object theory of the dialogism aesthetics.

巴赫金认为,对话性是文本产生和存在的基础。Bakhtin believes that dialogism is the foundation upon which a text is produced and its life sustained.

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对话美学突出了审美话语沟通自我与他人、个体与世界的存在论意义。This chapter gives prominence to the ontology sense of the aesthetical discourse in the dialogism aesthetics.

因此,重塑道德权威就在于道德话语权从独语走向对话。对话包括了人与人、人与社会、人与自然的对话。Therefore, that moral authority is renewal built up must rely on moral dialogism at people and socialist and nature.

第二章简略介绍了巴赫金的复调小说理论,包括“狂欢化”、“复调”和“对话理论”三个方面的内容。The second chapter is a brief review of Bakhtin's polyphonic theory, including carnivalesque overtones, dialogism and polyphony.

第五章列举了不同人物之间的不同对话,来表明对话理论在小说中的应用。Chapter Five lists the different dialogues between different characters to demonstrate the application of dialogism in the novel.

他在人文学科的各个领域中加以积极应用,生发了复调小说理论、对话理论、狂欢化理论等。Bakhtin practiced outsideness in most fields of the humanity and gained his polyphonic novel theory, dialogism and carnival theory.

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女性小说文本叙事话语的对话性是女性文学与叙事话语的契合。The dialogism of discourse of textual narration in the female novels is the combination of female literature wi th narrative discourse.

本文从三方面探讨了纳博科夫小说的复调特征及其艺术效果。This paper examines the novel's polyphonic features and artistic effects in terms of three areas about subjectivity, dialogism and indeterminacy.

应对突发事件时新闻发言人所发布的新闻内容在本质上都具有对话性。Conversational strategy for the spokesman in the face of emergencies has been raised up through this article combining dialogism with a non-literary text.