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最后再欣赏下嘎达湖的美景吧!A last view down on lake Garda.

阿布加尔达否认了对他的所有指控。Abu Garda had denied all the charges against him.

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越来越多吃闲饭的警察。我们纳税就是干这个吗?More Garda incompetence. Is this why we pay our taxes?

一个警方发言人说她的腿部受伤很严重。Garda spokesman said she had suffered a serious leg injury.

我们在托博乐小镇上选了一家经济型酒店,该酒店位于镇上嘎达湖的北部。We choose an inexpensive hotel just north of lake Garda in the small town Torbole.

一名男子丧生,而一名女警察在都柏林进行交通值班的时候严重受伤。One man was killed, while a female garda was seriously injured on traffic duty in Dublin.

我们下一个目的地是佳达湖上的马尔切西内城,这是湖上最有吸引力的小城之一。Malcesine on Lake Garda was the next destination, one of the most attractive towns on the lake.

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这些儿童有的曾住在原合金厂附近,反之也有的住在加尔达湖,属于布雷西亚较清洁地区。Some children lived near the former alloy plants, others at Garda Lake, a relatively clean comparison region in the province.

在都柏林,一名女警察受伤,都柏林北部吹来的大风吹倒了一个30英尺的木头临时围墙并把她压倒在下面。In Dublin, a female garda was injured after she was trapped under a 30-foot wooden hoarding blown over by winds in north Dublin.

本次广州番禺职业技术学院携近百只集传统和现代之美的鞋样设计作品来到美丽的艺术之都意大利加达湖畔展出。Panyu Polytechnic brings traditional beauty and modern design of the shoes to display beside the Lake Riva del Garda in this beautiful country of art, Italy.