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我能很快被卫斯理教派大学录取。I got into Wesleyan.

我在卫斯里的音乐妇女研究中获得了农学位。I got a BA in Music and Women's Studies at Wesleyan.

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这两个阶段确定,这部分,卫斯理鲜明。These two phases identify, in part, the Wesleyan distinctive.

被控杀害一名卫理公会大学学生的男子周五被法庭传讯。The man accused of killing a Wesleyan University student was arraigned Friday.

现在,她正在攻读印第安纳魏斯理大学的教育硕士学位。She is currently working on her master's degree in teaching from Indiana Wesleyan University.

布赖恩在康奈尔大学研究饮食习惯,而克雷格是弗吉尼亚州卫斯理学院的宗教学教授。Brian studies eating habits at Cornell, while Craig is a religion professor at Virginia Wesleyan.

埃里克·扬达尔和米歇尔·加西亚同住在位于康涅狄格州的卫斯理大学一个宿舍房间。Erik Youngdahl and Michelle Garcia share a dorm room at Connecticut\\\\\\\'s Wesleyan University.

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但正如内布拉斯加卫理公会大学的研究表明的,稍微紧绷的腿筋能加快你的步伐频率。But somewhat tight hamstrings, as the Nebraska Wesleyan study showed, can make you more economical.

记住,如果他想听腋毛轻柔的沙沙声,那他已经娶了一个卫斯理公会的女教徒。Keep in mind, if he wanted to hear the gentle rustle of armpit hair he'd have married a Wesleyan woman studies major.

记住,如果他想听到细小的腋窝毛发的沙沙声,他还不如娶一个卫斯理公会派女人呢。Keep in mind, if he wanted to hear the gentle rustle of armpit hair he’d have married a Wesleyan woman studies major.

圣公会,循道卫斯理和长老教会所有既定任务,在中国各大中心。The Anglican, Wesleyan Methodist and the Presbyterian churches all established missions in the major Chinese centres.

说明理由的信仰为基础的传统的卫斯理然后建立一个理论的神圣行动。With justification by faith as the foundation the Wesleyan tradition then builds a doctrine of sanctification upon it.

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卫斯理安大学电影研究部的主席珍宁•贝辛格,将之称为“保罗•穆尼困扰”。Jeanine Basinger, chairwoman of the film studies department at Wesleyan University, calls this “the Paul Muni problem.”

我在伊利诺伊州卫斯理大学获得历史和法语双学位,研究方向是中学教育。I received my undergraduate degree from Illinois Wesleyan University in History and French with an emphasis on Secondary Education.

希尔在研讨会的“接吻科学”会议上作了发言,同时发言的还有罗格斯大学的海伦•费舍尔和俄亥俄州卫斯理大学的唐纳德•拉特纳。Hill spoke at the session on the Science of Kissing, along with Helen Fisher of Rutgers University and Donald Lateiner of Ohio Wesleyan University.

乔舒亚·阿朱耶·斯蒂芬斯就是最近这一波热潮中的一员。他2007年毕业于卫斯理大学,获得美国研究学士学位。One of those in the latest wave is JoshuaArjuna Stephens, who graduated from Wesleyan University in 2007 with a bachelor's degree in American studies.

约书亚。阿朱那。斯蒂芬斯是近期风潮者之一,他于2007年毕业于美国卫斯理大学并拿到学士学位。One of those in the latest wave is Joshua Arjuna Stephens, who graduated from Wesleyan University in 2007 with a bachelor's degree in American studies.

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就像在一小时以前,我刚刚知道这个事件发生的时候,当地卫斯理网站的消息,已经最终传到康乃狄克州外的其他地方,如纽约时报和有线电视新闻网。As the hours went on, I watched the story hit Wesleyan Web sites, then local Connecticut news, and finally national giants like The New York Times and CNN.

俄亥俄卫斯理大学的肖恩·凯说,虽然北约决定跟俄罗斯恢复关系,但北约国家在这个问题上仍然存在分歧。Sean Kay of Ohio Wesleyan University says that despite the alliance's decision to resume relations with Russia, NATO countries are still divided over the issue.

Brian在康奈尔大学研究饮食习惯,而Craig则是弗吉尼亚卫斯理学院的一名宗教教授,正因如此,他们才共同进行了这一研究。Brian studies eating habits at Cornell, while Craig is a religion professor at Virginia Wesleyan. Which puts them at the head of the table for this research effort.