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我希望我有一个鹰钩鼻。I wish I had a Roman nose.

而在他的左首则是一个罗马人。And to his left is a Roman.

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穿警察戏装的演员。The actors wore Roman costumes.

你知道这些罗马字吗?。Do You Know These Roman Numbers?

罗马人的浪漫是“醉醺醺,赤裸裸”,历史学家诺尔.棱斯基说。The Roman romantics "were drunk.

但转化为罗马人绝非一夕之功。But no one became Roman overnight.

我喜欢阅读罗马史。I enjoy reading about Roman history.

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罗马帝国师如何一分为二的?How was the Roman Empire cut in half?

而是天主教教义。It's part of Roman Catholic doctrine.

第二次布匿战争中的罗马将军。Roman general in the Second Punic War.

这个城堡可追溯到罗马时代。This castle dates back to Roman times.

还有罗马帝国其他地区。or different parts of the Roman Empire.

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罗马假日是1953浪漫喜剧。Roman Holiday is a 1953 romantic comedy.

白色颜色罗马打印的数字拨号盘。White color roman printed numerals dial.

你走到外面,发现一座罗马神庙矗立在那里。You walk out and there’s a Roman temple.

色雷斯人,在罗马军队服役。A Thracian , he served in the Roman army.

抛射装置,对,对,我知道罗马有这些东西。Catapults, yes yes. I know Roman uses it.

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罗伯塔绕着罗马遗迹跑圈。Roberta ran rings around the Roman ruins.

罗马帝国,大英帝国都衰落了。Roman empire, Brirish Empire all declined.

待人友好,早在罗马时代就给人当看家狗。were used as watchdog even in Roman times.