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绪论部分包括四个方面的内容。The prolegomenon mainly includes four aspects.

本文绪论部分说明了当前数字信号处理领域的总体现状。The situation of current digital signal processing field is discussed in the prolegomenon.

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绪论明确了研究的必要性和研究意义、研究方法。The prolegomenon part shows the need of research, research significance and research methods.

文章除了引言、绪论、结语等部分外,正文的主体结构分为三章。Beside the introduction, prolegomenon and the epilogue, the whole essay divided into three chapters.

第一部分是绪论,明确职务晋升的定义以及本文的研究意义。The first part is prolegomenon. Clear definition of job promotion and the significance of this paper.

第一部分为绪论,主要阐述研究的背景与问题、方法与设计。The first part is prolegomenon , which sets forth the background and questions, methods and design of the paper.

论文的绪论部分概述了民族观,后分四个章节叙述孟子民族观。In prolegomenon this paper summarizes ethnological viewpoints, Mencius Ethnological Viewpoint is narrated in the following four parts.

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本文在绪论部分总体介绍了本论文的研究意义和研究背景、研究文献综述和本文的研究思路和研究方法。The prolegomenon part mainly introduces the background and purport, a summary of literature research, the research method and the research logic as well.

本文绪论部分简要地介绍了论文选题的基本内容、研究现状和语料来源,并对本文拟采用的基本方法加以说明。In the prolegomenon the writer give a brief introduction to the theme, the content and the aim of this article, and introduces the way to get the literatures and the materials.

第一章绪论分析了论文的选题背景、研究内容、思路和方法,并界定了机场运营效率的概念和内涵。The first chapter is prolegomenon that analyses the dissertation's background, research context, route, and method, and defines the concept and connotation of airport operation efficiency.