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巨蟹,跟金牛座有干连。Cancer, linked with Taurus.

现在我们终生联系在一起。Now we are linked for life.

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那些事实终于连贯起来了。The facts finally linked up.

尺和度是息息相关的。And the ruler is closely linked.

二者的联系是难解难分的。The two are inextricably linked.

文化与创新彼此相关。Culture and innovation are linked.

它们都被联系在一起。And they all linked really together.

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服务器中招了,被人挂马了!Server move, and was linked to horse!

多风的趋势与气候变暖有关吗?Windy Trend Linked to Global Warming?

最后,所有的这些思想是有关联的Last, and all these things are linked.

好的地税税种应与利益挂钩。A good local tax is linked to benefits.

随后他们手挽手朝房屋走去。They walk up to the house, arms linked.

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在某些方面,这两者的确相互关联。At some point, the two do become linked.

但是,这些登陆场尚未连成一线。But these beachheads were not linked up.

这两座城市靠一条河连接起来。The two cities are linked up by a river.

多栏文字和包含链接的文字Multi-column text & linked container text

简单的双循环链表的实现。Simple doubly linked list implementation.

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有些人认为偷车与贫困有关。Some people linked car theft with poverty.

他们用电话把两个地区连接起来。They linked up the two areas by telephone.

那皮肤发黄,终究和什麽相联系呢?That yellow skin, what, and what linked it?