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日本民间也纷纷建立各种团体,宣传自己的"兴亚"主张。Various voluntary bodies were set up to promote the "koa" propositions of their own.

因此寻找治疗KOA方便、有效、副作用小的方法是一项迫切而必要的任务。It is quite essential to find a convenient, effective and few side effects therapy for KOA.

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兴亚会是最早建立起来的兴亚团体之一,主张"日中提携",振兴亚洲。Koa Association was one of the earliest koa bodies advocating that "Japan and China cooperate' to revitalize Asia."

研制了以PIC16F630为核心的便携式OA护膝以及基于肌电信号的膝OA疗效评判系统。Designed a portable OA-kneepad based on PIC16F630 and a evaluating system based on EMG for the curative effect of KOA.

随着人们寿命的延长,KOA的发病人数越来越多,给患者造成极大的痛苦,给家庭也带来沉重的负担。The older people are, the more KOA are. Because of this, patients are very painful, and their family are poor more and more.

膝关节骨关节炎的中医药研究进展部分,对近十年来中医药关于膝关节骨关节炎的病因、病机的认识及治疗进行了论述。In the second part, it displays etiological factors, pathology and the therapy of KOA that Chinese medicine have done in recent 10 years.

本病是发生在膝关节的退行性病变,以膝关节疼痛、僵硬及活动受限为主要临床表现。At present, the clinic treatment mostly focuses on reliving symptoms, the improvement of knee function and postponing the development of KOA.

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方法收集宁夏地区回族中老年人KOA患者290人456例膝,按是否礼拜分为礼拜组与非礼拜组。Methods 456 knee from 290 KOA patients of middle-old age in Ningxia were collected and were divided into two groups by weather going to church.

为了分享乔治给他们带来的欢乐,安德烈和妻子把它的照片发在了脸书上,立刻得到了众多网友的回应。In a bid to share the joy that George brings them, Andrew and Koa posted a few of his pictures on Facebook and were overwhelmed by the response.

为确定便携式OA护膝的疗效和肌电信号的能量作为特征值评判膝OA疗效的可行性进行临床试验。Done clinic experiments to validate the curative effect of OA-kneepad and the feasibility for energy of EMG as the eigenvalue, to evaluate the curative effect of KOA.

结论口服健膝汤配合外敷中药治疗膝骨性关节炎脾肾两虚湿注骨节证能减轻疼痛,缓解症状,改善膝关节功能,提高患者生活质量。Conclusion Jianxi decoction orally combining external therapy is very effective for KOA to relieve the degree of joint pain, allaying TCM symptoms and improve the life quality of the patients.