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你要将承接圣职所献公羊的肉煮在圣处。Take the ram for the ordination and cook the meat in a sacred place.

戒尺用于皈依、剃度、传戒、说法等场合。The ferule is used for conversion, tonsure, ordination and parlance.

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于是他靠近佛陀,请求受戒成为比丘。So he approached the Lord Buddha and requested ordination as a Bhikkhu.

你要拿授圣职时所献的公绵羊,在圣处煮它的肉。You shall take the flesh of the ordination ram and boil it in a holy place.

我们在按立牧师的圣礼,或是宣教士的差遣礼中,有多少次听到这段经文?How many times have these verses been used in an induction or ordination service?

金诚泽方丈连传三坛大戒,戒子超过千余人。The Master Jin Chengze pass three big ordination and the followers more than 1000.

苏格兰教会决定在两年之内禁止授任同性恋者为神职人员。The Church of Scotland has decided to ban the ordination of homosexuals for two years.

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证据高卢圣仪式的协调和一些其他事项源自这本书。Evidence for the Gallican rites of ordination and some other matters is derived from this book.

罗马教廷已经警告参加受任仪式的三个女牧师是可被逐出教会的。The Vatican has warned that women taking part in ordination ceremonies could be excommunicated.

去年十一月,裴主教据报曾在当局施压下参加河北省承德地区的非法主教祝圣礼。Bishop Pei reportedly attended under pressure a previous illicit ordination in Chenge last November.

水文对森林植物群落的类型、结构、生活型谱、排序和动态做了初步研究。The types, structure, biological spectrum, ordination and dynamic of forest communities were studied in the paper.

牧师奎因于1888年出生于纽瓦克,被授予圣职后不久就去了布鲁克林教区。Monsignor Quinn, who was born in Newark in 1888, was assigned to the Brooklyn diocese shortly after his ordination.

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对这位思想观念一成不变的牧师来说,进剑桥大学似乎只是进入教会的第一步,是一篇还没有正文的序言。The University as a step to anything but ordination seemed, to this man of fixed ideas, a preface without a volume.

排序图表达了植物群落的环境梯度、结构梯度和人为干扰。The environmental gradient, structural gradient and human-disturbance could be well expressed in the ordination plot.

DCA排序结果表明制约侧柏群落不同群丛分布的主要因素是坡度和坡向。The results of DCA ordination indicated that the main factors that restricted community distribution were aspect and slope.

梵蒂冈在星期三发表的一份声明中说,郭金才神父被任命为主教,尽管教皇本笃反对这个任命。In a statement Wednesday, the Vatican said the ordination of Reverend Joseph Guo Jincai was done despite objections from Pope Benedict.

那承接圣职所献的肉或饼,若有一点留到早晨,就要用火烧了,不可吃这物,因为是圣物。And if any of the meat of the ordination ram or any bread is left over till morning, burn it up. It must not be eaten, because it is sacred.

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坚定的传统愤世嫉俗者,主张节制消费和道德相对主义,反对节育,同性恋婚姻和女祭司制度。Staunch traditionalist deplores secularism, consumerism and moral relativism, unbending on birth control, gay marriage and ordination of female priests.

他的名字是在他加入天主教会副修士修行时被赋予的,在他被授予神父之职后便广为人知。He was given the name Pio when he joined the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin, and was popularly known as Padre Pio after his ordination to the priesthood.

我国公民政策参与表面轰轰烈烈、实际效果不彰的原因在于缺乏合适的权力体制的配合。The surface vigorous and the actual results unapparent of citizen policy participation in China are due to lack of proper co- ordination of the power system.