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鸟发出嘎嘎的惊叫声。The bird gave a startled squawk.

发出尖声地高地像母鸡一样的叫声。The hen gave a squawk when it saw the cat.

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他们不理他时,他发出大声的抗议。He gave a loud squawk when they ignored him.

没有收到回答,如果能收到按一下识别键。Reply not received, if you read squawk IDENT.

我们便立刻听到了鼓声和刺耳的喇叭声。At once we hear the drums and the squawk of trumpets.

当地博友抗议,要求线上读物免费。Local bloggers may squawk about content wanting to be free.

唯一的声音来自于头顶上飞过的一只当地鸟的咯咯叫声。The only sound is the squawk of a native bird flying overhead.

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我生活在洞里,我有一个喙,我会玩游戏、嘎嘎叫和吱吱叫。I live in holes, I got a beak, I play games, squawk and squeak.

无线电联系中断,如果你听到我,把应答机拨到7600编码,再说一遍,7600。Radio contact lost, if you read, squawk 7600, I say again, 7600.

理发师给你照镜子时,抗议已经太迟了——生米已成熟饭。The barber shows you the mirror but it's too late to raise a squawk.

一只绿头鸭突然飞起,愤怒地尖鸣一声直冲天空。A mallard suddenly took wing, rising steeply into the air with an angry squawk.

东京区调,ANA9963,由东京飞往大阪关西国际机场,应答机1011,听你指挥。Tokyo Center, ANA9963, from Tokyo to Kansai International Airport, squawk 1011, with you.

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我能听到你,但我不确认你能听到我。我将应答机识别来遵守指令。I can read you, but I'm not sure you can hear me. I will squawk ident to comply with your instructions.

一天下午,当奥蒂斯讲他曾面对的最可怕的危险时,鸭子们都开始使劲儿地呱呱叫起来。One afternoon, when Otis was telling of the great dangers he had faced, the ducks began to squawk frantically.

公路的全景,在路边的彼得处于前景中,一队警车尖声鸣着警笛呼啸而过。The road panoram, is in the prospect in roadside Peter, a row police vehicle squawk calls the police siren to howl.

我生活在洞里,我有一个喙,我会玩游戏、嘎嘎叫和吱吱叫。黑色和白色,橙色和蓝色,红色和绿色,你呢?I live in holes, I got a beak, I play games, squawk and squeak. Black and white, orange and blue, red and green, how 'bout you?

车里面的人出来了,一个男人,两个女人,女人尖声叫着,检查他的车,说是前面划了。Inside the vehicle person came out, a man, two women, the woman squawk is calling, inspects his vehicle, said was front delimits.

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从远方传来的海鸥尖利的啸叫掩住了蜜蜂的嗡嗡声,有那么一两秒,我的意识徘徊于现实和虚幻之间。A distant seagull's shrill squawk overlapped the buzz of the bees, and for a second or two my consciousness strayed on the border between reality and the unreal.

她让我想起一只蹲在椅子上的瘦母鸡,瞪着两只又亮又呆板的怯生生的眼睛,仿佛一听到有什么动静就要扇着翅膀咯咯地叫起来。She reminds me of a skinny hen perched on a chair, her eyes kind of bright and blank and scared, all ready to flap and squawk at the slightest move anybody makes.

她让我想起一只蹲在椅子上的瘦母鸡,瞪着两只又亮又呆板的怯生生的眼睛,仿佛一听到有什么动静就要扇着翅膀咯咯地叫起来。She reminds me of a skinny hen perched on a chair, her eyes kind of bright and blank and scared, all ready to flap and squawk at the slightest move anybody makes.”“Well