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驾驶时保持警觉。Be alert when driving.

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我们都处在高度戒备状态。We were on high alert.

杰克是一个机灵的外侨。Jack was an alert alien.

我喜欢玩红色警戒。I prefer to play Red Alert.

你注意到空袭的紧急警报了吗?。Do you notice the red alert?

连续警戒是否备便?Is the alert watch continuos?

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我本应更警觉一些的。I should have been more alert.

时刻警惕着隆隆声和摇晃。Alert for the rumble and shake.

预警必须像闪电一样的迅速。Alert must be lightning- quick.

香港降低了禽流感警报等级。Hong Kong lowers bird-flu alert.

警戒期间他们保持安静。They were quiet during the alert.

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老乔里恩立刻警觉起来。Old Jolyon was on the alert at once.

部分原因可能是因为使用了警告。Part of that is the use of an alert.

所有战位,我们进入黄色警戒。All Stations, we are at Yellow Alert.

你知道谁赢了这一局红警游戏吗?。Do you know who has won Red Alert game?

知道谁赢了这一局红警游戏吗?。do you know who has won red alert game?

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然后订户会收到一份电子邮件警报。Subscribers then receive an email alert.

珊瑚海的一个浮标也报警了。A buoy in the Coral Sea is also on alert.

她的作品特别华丽而灵活。Her work is extraordinary rich and alert.