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布朗或许感到格外地羞愧。Mr brown might feel particularly shamefaced.

圣洁而知耻的妇女,乃无上的恩赐。A holy and shamefaced woman is grace upon grace.

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沉默持续了很长时间,而我父亲看上去面带愧色。There was a long silence, and my father looked shamefaced.

在介绍本月的主题时,我有一点惭愧之意。In introducing this month's theme, I feel a little shamefaced.

介绍这个月的主题时,我感到有些羞愧。In introducing this month's theme, I fell just a little shamefaced.

介绍这个月的主题时,我感到有一点点羞愧。In introducing this month's theme, I fell just a little shamefaced.

男孩看到了一个女孩,他很喜欢她,她笑着惭愧的他,给他希望。A boy saw a girl, he liked her, she smiled shamefaced at him, giving him hope.

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但因为这件事她赢得了大家的眼球,最终公司总部不情愿的给她发了颁奖邀请。She won a storm of publicity and a shamefaced invitation to the firm's headquarters.

丹霍兹说,最近该店有好几次碰到这样感觉羞愧的顾客来退货。Ms. Denholtz says the store has had several experiences with shamefaced shoppers like this recently.

她家里原有一个孩子因为没有鞋子不能够上学,可是她觉得太不好意思招认出来。She was too shamefaced to own that one of the children had been obliged to leave school for the lack of shoes.

丽乐没有回答,依然只是朝她傻傻的,羞怯的笑了笑,看起来她对这个问题根本就不在乎。But instead of answering, Lil only gave her silly, shamefaced smile. She didn't seem to mind the question at all.

“实际上,我知道你去哪里,”他有点而羞愧地承认,“过去的三个星期六我都跟着你。”Actually, I know where you go , "he admitted , somewhat shamefaced . "I've followed you the past three Saturdays. "

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而且当他的妻子就像眼下这样羞涩地看着他时,宗介就明白自己很快就能为什么事情道歉来解决争议了。And when his wife was looking as shamefaced as she currently did, he assumed that he would be apologizing for something, and fairly soon.

这人的行动有些害羞或者有些胆怯,好像不到最后一刻都不打算暴露任何要停下来的想法。There was something shamefaced or diffident about the movement, as if the intention were to conceal any idea of stopping until the very last moment.

对理念——也就是万物的真正本质——习惯性羞愧或麻木的人,不可能成为真正的读者。Men who are habitually shamefaced or absent-minded before the ideal—that is, before the actual nature of things—cannot expect to be real readers of books.

4一个小女孩脸通红口齿不清地背诵了“玛丽有只小羊羔”等,然后十分认真地行了个屈膝礼。在博得了大家的一阵掌声后,她红着脸,高兴地坐了下来。A little shamefaced girl lisped, "Mary had a little lamb, " etc. , performed a compassion-inspiring curtsy, got her meed of applause, and sat down flushed and happy.

丹霍兹说,最近该店有好几次碰到这样感觉羞愧的顾客来退货。她说,人们害怕了,我们可能面临又一次大萧条。Ms. Denholtz says the store has had several experiences with shamefaced shoppers like this recently. 'People are scared, ' she says. 'Things could go into a Depression. '

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四十英里的路变成了六十英里,我甚至经过了一个天体营,然后骑进了一个死胡同,只能厚着脸皮再经过天体营骑回来。Forty miles had turned into 60. At one point I had even cycled through a nudist colony, then, coming to a dead end, had been forced to return shamefaced right back through it.