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邻接处消除了建筑物之间的残余空间。Contiguity eliminates residual spaces between buildings.

住宅和车库毗邻,这在天气不好的时候是很方便的。The contiguity of the house and the garage was a convenience in bad weather.

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物理数据或键的连续性对于表扫描或键-索引扫描的速度十分重要。Contiguity of physical data or keys is important to the speed of table scans or key-index scans.

科学家们打算探讨干眼症与煤尘接触之间的关系。Scientists want to investigate the relation between xerophthalmia occurrence and smut contiguity.

但是,从移就的心理基础看,它又属于“邻接联想”。However, from the angle of psychology, transferred epithet belongs to "Figures Based on Contiguity".

第二个案例说明了激励的连续性对于有效的项目治理的重要性。The second case study illustrates the importance of incentive contiguity in effective project governance.

但是,隐喻注重相似性,转喻以相邻关系为特征。Metaphor focuses on the property of similarity between two domains, while metonymy focuses on that of contiguity.

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根据在帕尔马斯岛案例中建立起来的判例原则,以毗连性为基础对岛屿主张所有权于国际法无依。In anycase, it was established in the Palmas Case that title based on contiguity hasno standing in international law.

核电厂不仅适合建于滨海地区,也适合建于内陆滨河、湖、水库等地区。Nuclear power station is not only suited to built up contiguity to the sea, but also suit to built up in inland strand river, lake, reservoir.

最后,文中还给出了快速过渡带的宽度量级,过渡带的简化方程以及八个连接条件。At last, the magnitude of the breadth of inner boundary layer and simplified equations for inner boundary layer and eight contiguity conditions are given.

毗连毗连常常出现问题,如果国家本身没有什么紧,如佛罗里达州,或如果国家某种听起来像华盛顿。Contiguity Contiguity problems arise often if the state itself has little compactness, like Florida, or if the state has some sort of sound like Washington.

存在复合材料的属性例如不同的体积比,晶粒大小,接触度或空孔等,可能对于材料的热导有所影响。The attributes existing in a composite such as a different volume fraction, grain size, contiguity or porosity, etc. determine a thermal conductivity of composite.

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从概念邻近性角度对转喻定义不应忽视认知原则和交际原则的影响,概念邻近性转喻观仍有待研究。The impacts of cognitive principles and communicative principles on metonymy should not be ignored when metonymy is defined from the angle of conceptual contiguity.

从农药的使用及污染现状出发,简要介绍了职业性农药接触对其健康造成的危害。Based on the current situation of pesticide pollution, this paper introduces harmful effects to agricultural workers health due to occupational pesticide contiguity.

老舍和曹禺独具特色的婚恋择偶标准既是他们女性观的集中体现也是他们和女性真切交往的现实反映。Only characteristic standard of selecting a mate or spouse is concentrated reflection their female view as well as practical reflection of their female actual contiguity.

那个心怀叵测的人不管蒙上什么面具来遮掩,仅仅接近一下象阿瑟,丁梅斯代尔那样敏感的人,就足以扰乱他的方寸了。The very contiguity of his enemy, beneath whatever mask the latter might conceal himself, was enough to disturb the magnetic sphere of a being so sensitive as Arthur Dimmesdale.

提出应加强中国在该领域的研究力度,开展对农业劳动者田间接触农药情况的检测及风险评价。The author puts forward that our country should strengthen the research in this field. And its important to detect and evaluate the risks of the pesticide contiguity for agricultural workers.

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笔者以收集文献、参与观察、讨论和访谈、省思札记等方式实际参加几个教师专业发展的课程。In addition, in term of participants, this study proposes a model that involves both pre-and in-service teachers in one program and that teachers' professional development should have contiguity.