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把沙司搅拌一下以免结块。Stir the sauce to prevent it lumping.

把它们混在一起反而有碍分析。Lumping them together therefore impedes analysis.

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把我跟其他人混为一谈一起听这个消息?Lumping me in with everyone else to hear the news?

低湿度空气防止糖结块。The low-humidity atmosphere keeps the sugar from lumping.

但是将古生菌归在细菌这个类别下面,在生物学上便讲不通。But lumping Archaea in with Bacteria simply doesn’t make biological sense.

我的意思是,我有点在把它们放在一起来说,你高兴的话可以分开来谈。I mean, I’m sort of lumping them all together, so feel free to break one off if you want.

笼统地把所有中国申请人扔在一块确实对他们不公平。Lumping students into this amorphous Chinese applicant pool really isn't doing them justice.

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她点的咖啡装在透明玻璃杯里,与盘子摩擦作响,浓缩牛奶荡漾在杯子底部。Her coffee came in a clear glass that rattled against its saucer, condensed milk lumping at the bottom.

一旦科学家找到这个成团的星系,他们就借助斯皮策太空望远镜来测量其聚合一起的质量。Once the scientists found this lumping of galaxies, they measured the combined mass with the help of Spitzer.

很多这样的访问控制都会带来一个问题,因为所利用的程序能够继承用户的访问控制。Lumping access controls like this creates a problem because an exploited program inherits the access controls of the user.

因为我们在Google的资产负债表上我们看不到任何应计费用,因此我假定Google把这两项目归结统一到应付账款下面。Since we don't see any accrued expenses on Google's balance sheet I assume they are lumping the two together under accounts payable.

反应动力学采用“原料油-柴油-汽油-气体-焦炭”五集总模型。The five lumping kinetic model was adopted, which were composed of feedstock, diesel, gasoline, gas and coke lumps and included three reactions.

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滑塌浊积砂砾岩体由于物性较差,故油气藏含油气充满度较低,含水较高。The sandy conglomerate bodies of lumping turbidite fans are lower in hydrocarbon saturation and higher in water cut due to their poor petropinscal properties.

父亲形象只有当我们不经过审视地整幅地、将好坏捏作一团地拜为神时才会出现问题。Father icons become problematic only when we worship them as unexamined , monolithic images, lumping together qualities that feel right with others that feel wrong.

结合网络固有结构理论和模糊意见集中决策,解决了多支路滤波器组集中安装的问题。The inherent structure theory of networks and concentrated ordering of lumping fuzzy suggestions are combined to solve the centralized placement of multi-branch filter.

零售店更应该是卖激情和梦想,而不仅仅只是把产品堆上货架。Apple is a better retailer than most because it understands brand management, that retail is about selling aspirations and dreams and not just lumping products on a shelf.

英国政府正将光缆认为是“可估价资产”,将其与其他需要缴税的有价值商业财产归为一类。The UK government currently views fibre-optic cable as a "rateable asset", lumping it in with other commercial property as something with value that businesses should pay tax on.

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叙事人一一列举19世纪不论英国还是德国怨艾不已的诗人,显见他一反常规,希望摆脱浪漫主义学派以失落为主题的倾向。The revisionist speaker's disenchantment with the Romantic theme of loss is evident in his lumping together all the complaining poets of the 19th century, both English and German.

从此以后我们过着各自的生活,工作也略有不同,总之总算不再有人把我们两个独立的个体混为一谈。We’ve both led different and separate lives since that point, working apart for a bit and, in general, finding ourselves without the confusion of people lumping our personalities together.