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但是妈祖的出现是符合规律的。But Matsu is the emergence line with the law.

在马祖你也可以欣赏到同样的风景。You can appreciate the same scenery in Matsu.

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其次,妈祖是闽系人的神。Secondly, Fujian Department of Matsu is one of God.

所以,他们开始攻击金门岛和马祖岛,接着就可能攻击台湾了。So first it will be Quemoy and Matsu , next it may be Formosa.

质量与品味是金马产品的基石!Quality and taste, Kingma and Matsu is the cornerstone of the product!

我国政府承认金门岛和马祖岛是中国大陆的一部分。That our government recognizes Quemoy and Matsu to be a part of Mainland China.

站前路的白马、黑马、金马、新大地、流花服装城。Station Road, the white, black, Kinmen and Matsu , the new land, Liuhua garment city.

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清光绪十年始建,时为商贾商洽贸易、祭祀妈祖之所。Ten years Guangxu was built, when merchants to negotiate trade, the worship of the goddess matsu.

唐代马祖道在山上开创佛叫临济宗和沩仰宗,影响极大。Tang Matsu Road in the mountains were created Buddha called nan and Yang-wei were affected greatly.

因此被后世奉为海神,尊称为妈祖,被封为天后,也称天妃。By future generations as a result of the sea, known as Matsu , has been called days later, also known as Tianfei.

又比如说在彰化,有所谓的抢轿,因为人们相信妈祖会保佑所在地的人。In some areas, people even try to 'rob' Matsu because they believe Matsu will protect the area where she is located.

郑和在实施这一战略决策的同时,也为妈祖文化的传播和发展做出了巨大贡献。While implementing such a strategy, he at the same time made contributions to spreading and promoting Matsu Culture.

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又比如说在彰化,有所谓的抢轿,因为人们相信妈祖会保佑所在地的人。In some areas, people even try to 'rob' Matsu because they believe Matsu will protect the area where Matsu is located.

当一些人质疑妈祖背后的政治势力,许多人只是把妈祖当作是一个宗教信仰。When some people argued about the political powers behind Matsu , many people only consider Matsu as a religion, like other religions.

双方还同意给予绿灯谁愿意单独旅行到金门,马祖和澎湖台湾的岛屿福建居民。The two sides also agreed to give the green light to Fujian residents who wish to individually travel to Taiwan's islands of Kinmen, Matsu and Penghu.

郑和选择了妈祖来作为七下西洋的精神寄托,也就是解决了下西洋将士的思想问题。郑和这一决策是从战略上来考量的,并采取了一系列的相关措施。Zheng's choice of Matsu as the spiritual protector solved the mental problems of the crew members, and this measure was taken on the basis of strategy.

根据我的理解,艾森豪威尔总统从来不这样主张,那就是,从原则上讲,在任何情况下都要防卫金门岛和马祖岛。It is my understanding that President Eisenhower never advocated that Quemoy and Matsu should be defended under all circumstances as a matter of principle.

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我们融合国际流行的精彩,将德国的严谨,欧洲的简炼一一呈现,为客户全面提升办公环境的工作质素。Matsu fuses international trends with German " Zeitgeist " and European style, and we aim to improve the design and quality of our client's office environment.

而首度入围最佳男主角的黄渤及最佳导演的管虎,两人对于这次来到金马盛会都相当的兴奋期待。The first yellow-nominated best actor and best director Bo tube tiger, the two came to Kinmen and Matsu for this event are quite excited about looking forward to.

成立于2004年的金马机床维修服务中心,是以设备维修和旧设备销售为主的维修服务项目。Founded in 2004 of Kinmen and Matsu machine maintenance service centres, maintenance of equipment is old equipment sales and maintenance service- oriented projects.