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不要过量服用补剂。Don't overdose your supplements.

这种药服用过量可惹起灭亡。An overdose of this drug can kill.

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任何补药服用过量都有害。Any invigorator take overdose harmful.

他因服用过量巴比妥而死亡。He died from an overdose of barbiturates.

今天我服用精神药物有点过量。Today, I took an overdose of my anti-psychotics.

3岁的孩子可以轻易地被勒死或毒死。A 3-year-old you can easily strangle or overdose.

多萝西在奥兹国吸食过量。Dorothy takes a drug overdose in the middle of Oz.

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但是一二写人可能会没有反应在服用超剂量药2到3天后。But these may notdevelopfor 2 or 3 days after overdose.

莱杰上个月死于处方药使用过量。Ledger died of a prescription drug overdose last month.

快来!约翰!卡梅拉出事了,我想她用药过量了。Quick! John! It's Carmela. I think she's taken an overdose.

自残最主要的方法是过量服药。The most common method of self-harming was a drug overdose.

但是一二写人可能会没有反应在服用超剂量药2到3天后。But these may not develop for 2 or 3 days after an overdose.

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这位妇女可能曾用过量的阿米替林治疗。The woman was treated for a possible amitriptyline overdose.

为了多挣一些钱,他们不惜对英王的臣民用药过量。To get their own bread they must overdose the king's lieges.

警方宣布他曾为杰克逊提供过量的麻醉药物异丙酚。Police said Murray gave Jackson an overdose of the anesthetic Propofol.

我们感到惊惶失措,有些人因此服用过量的安眠药来了断生命。In despair some reach for an overdose of sleeping pills to end the misery.

地球上还没有其他一处地方能让人如此大呼过瘾的。Nowhere on earth can one so quickly overdose on breathtaking gorgeousness.

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过度使用acetaminophen并不能立刻体现病症的典型特征。An overdose of acetaminophen does not typically produce immediate symptoms.

在梦露重新开始之前,她因服药过量,被人发现死亡。However, before she could re-start she was found dead after a drug overdose.

低血压可能发生,作为与冷漠和共济失调症状过量的迹象。Hypotension may occur as a symptom of overdose with signs of apathy and ataxia.