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我们可以去找盖尔和帕特,我说。We can go the Gail and Pat, I said.

盖尔·海曼不常去Facebook。Gail Heyman didn’t go on Facebook often.

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对盖尔来说,这个节日再没有欢乐可言。The holiday had become joyless for Gail.

盖尔履行了她的诺言,把钱如数归还。Gail kept her word and returned all the money.

所以,盖尔自己也开始减少购物。So Ms. Gail is dialing back her shopping, too.

你知道吧,盖尔非常擅长20米后跑。You know, Gail is very good at after 20 meters.

只见盖尔拿着画板,手都已经在发抖。Gail was holding out the tablet in trembling hands.

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长颈鹿吉尔有个长长的脖子,笼子太小了,装不下他。Gail Giraffe has a long neck. He is too large for a cage.

你知道吧,盖尔非常擅长20米后加速跑。You know, Gail is very good at acceleration after 20 meters.

盖尔和纳森都是即将当妈妈的凯瑟琳的朋友。Gail and Nathan are both friends with the mother-to-be Katherine.

“人们给我寄信和照片,让我激动落泪,”Gail说,“我的学生以拉美人为主,但是也有俄罗斯人、菲律宾人和中国人。"People send me letters and photos. They make me cry, " Gail says.

盖尔•凯利原籍南非,1997年她来到了澳大利亚。Originally from South Africa, Gail Kelly headed to Australia in 1997.

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盖尔·古德里奇,伟大的湖人球员,在1976年签约新奥尔良爵士队。Gail Goodrich , the great Laker, signed with the New Orleans Jazz in 1976.

这是盖尔Halvorsen说,在美国的空军飞行员的想法。It was the idea of Gail Halvorsen, a pilot in the United States Air Force.

第二章分析了文本中的另外两个重要人物乔安娜和希陶尔。The second chapter studies the fate of both Joanna Burden and Gail Hightower.

盖尔德弗斯,美国田径运动员,3届奥运金牌田径得主,生于1966年。Gail Devers, American athlete, 3-time Olympic champion in track and field, b. 1966

盖尔买下了那块画板,并在付款的时候请求收银员不要擦掉那句话。Gail bought the toy, telling the woman at the checkout counter not to erase the message.

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“做这件事情需要勇气,因为他当时已经在自己的领域内小有成就,”Gail说。"It was a courageous thing to do because he was at the pinnacle of his career, " says Gail.

第二年四月,盖尔搬到女儿家和米切尔夫妇俩以及他们的两个女儿共同居住,两个小孙女一个三岁,一个才一岁。By April, Gail had moved in with Michelle and her husband and their daughters, ages three and one.

盖尔·汉森是一名自由撰稿人,住在华盛顿的蒙特萨罗,专注于商业和科技领域。Gail Dutton is a freelance writer in Montesano, Washington, specializing in business and technology.