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珍珠与贝壳珍珠层具有较多的相似性,但也存在很多不同。There is much comparability between pearl and nacre in shells.

我是那粒沙,也是牡蛎哭泣时流出的珍珠泪。I am that grain of salt, and I am also the nacre tears that the oyster cried.

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他们也可以有色彩显示的珍珠在体内的一颗明珠。They can also have overtones that are displayed in the nacre body of the pearl.

认为珍珠层是一种很有前途的骨植入材料,提出了今后研究的方向。It is likely that nacre will become a good candidate for bone graft substitution in future.

所以,珍珠层的厚度就像脸上的化妆品,不久就会磨薄了。As a result, nacre thickness is sometimes just a cosmetic layer that can wear thin over time.

所以真珠质的厚度就像脸上化妆品,不久就会磨薄了。As a resul t, nacre thickness is sometimes just a cosmetic layer t hat can wear thin over time.

摘要珍珠层是一种天然的纳米生物陶瓷材料,一直是生物矿物材料学者研究的焦点。Pearls are organic gems , created when an oyster covers a foreign object with beautiful layers of nacre.

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天然珍珠和人工养殖珍珠会有些许粗躁的感觉,如同细砂纸般,那是真珠质的天然触感。Cultured and natural pearls will feel slightly rough , like fine sandpaper , because of the texture of natural nacre.

珍珠层侧向成层排列,并发现矿物桥随机的分布于有机质中。The cross section of nacre is brick-wall type, the mineral bridge was discovered in the organic matrix layers of nacre.

介绍在深色涤纶织物上应用珠光粉印花和罩印共同印花工艺。The application of alongside printing consisted of nacre printing and cover printing on polyester fabrics was introduced.

珍珠层很早就引起了人们的关注,它是软体动物贝壳中普遍发育的一种结构单元。The nacre is known by people's attention for a long time which is one of the general construction units of mollusk shell.

阐明珍珠层与聚乳酸复合后形成的人工骨材料在体外培养环境中对成骨细胞生物学行为的影响。To observe and analysis the effect of nacre composite artificial bone on biological behavior of human osteoblast in vitro.

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这些珍珠层是平行的,剖面呈同心圆结构。每一珍珠层都十分光滑,而且是半透明的。When selecting a pearl , consider that the larger the pearl , the more nacre it has , so it will also exhibit even more luster.

源自海水珍珠母贝层,经科学方法除杂质提炼的珍珠质精制而成,保持其天然的有效成份。Originated and extracted from sea nacre stratum. The scientific epurating method preserves the natural effective nutrients of nacre.

太阳很快要落下去了,天空中的色彩也消失了,紫色变成干血色,青贝色变成褐色,黯淡的灰色变成鸽粪色。The sun is setting fast. The colors die. They shift from purple to dried blood, from nacre to bister, from cool dead grays to pigeon shit.

珍蚌不但更小,生命力更弱,受到污染的水会改变真珠质和珍珠的颜色。Not only then are they smaller, less robust creatur es, but the pollution in the water changes the color of the nacre and change the color of the pearl.

对贝壳珍珠层中类胡萝卜素的研究可为珍珠漂白及在食品、化妆品等领域的应用提供科学的依据。Research on carotenoids in nacre and cultured pearl provides insight into the applications of them in cosmetics and food, as well as in pearl bleaching.

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珍珠层文石这种异常的热相变特征可能是由纳米级文石储存的过剩焓引起的。The unusual exothermal transformation of nacre aragonite to calcite is perhaps resulted from the stored excess enthalpy in nanometer-size aragonite of nacre.

从裂纹偏转、纤维拔出、有机基质桥连及矿物桥的作用等方面对珍珠层的高韧性机制进行了讨论。It is found that the crack deflection, fibre pull-out, organic matrix bridging and the existence of mineral bridges are the main toughening mechanisms of nacre.

采用热重及热重动力学方法,分别研究珍珠粉、珍珠层粉和珍珠母粉的热分解过程及其反应机理。The thermo decompositions and mechanisms of pearl powder, pearl nacre powder and nacre mother of pearl powder were studied through thermogravimetry and TG kinetics.