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印度的父母传统上都会给黄金首饰作为礼品。Indian parents customarily give gold jewelry as gifts.

这一术语习惯上即包括燃料,又包括氧化剂。The term customarily takes in both the fuel and the oxidizer.

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习惯上,这种转变被称为“产业革命”。This transformation is customarily called the Industrial Revolution.

所以人们就习惯性地称它为悬空寺。So people also customarily call it Xuangkong Si instead of Xuankong Guan.

按照惯例,片租会随着电影放映的延长逐渐减少。Film rentals customarily diminish over the length of a film's theatrical run.

论文中通常来说都会提供这些信息,好让读者们可以自己判断总结。It is customarily provided in a paper so that readers can come to their own conclusions.

历史上,希腊文明和罗马文明都禁止使用毒药。Both Greek and Roman civilizations customarily observed a prohibition on the use of poisons.

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大连哪里有定制做模型用的小家具的店铺?Where has Dalian to make the shop being used for the model furniture with small customarily?

因为,这恰恰是小说家们处理他们编造的故事里的那些无关紧要的角色时惯用手法。Because that was the way authors customarily treated bit-part players in their made-up tales.

根据犹太的习俗,每天祈祷三次,早上9点,中午12点与下午3点。The Jews customarily prayed three times each day, at 9 in the morning, 12 noon, and 3 in the afternoon.

表现为核浓缩和核溶解的严重核损伤通常被认为是细胞坏死的证据。Severe nuclear damage indicated by pyknosis and karyolysis are customarily taken as evidence of cell necrosis.

教会成员的执行者和木工,他们通常可能是值得信赖的责任,金钱,和设备。Church members are doers and joiners and they customarily might be trusted with responsibility, money, and equipment.

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队列管理器的公共名称通常是队列管理器名称加上其驻留的域名。The common name for queue managers is customarily the queue manager name, followed by the domain in which it resides.

依合斯服务器仅收集和保存万维网服务器登陆的默认信息。The EHC web server collects and saves only the default information customarily logged by World Wide Web server software.

即使其他一切万物都在缅甸的闷热中枯萎,她习惯带在头上的鲜花也似乎永远不会凋零。The blossoms she customarily wears in her hair never seem to wilt, even as everything else droops in Burma's sullen heat.

目前,研究两汉音乐文化,多运用的是正史有关音乐的史料对其进行研究。At present, the research on music culture of two-han period is customarily done by official historical materials on music.

消瘦并非病理病因学或因营养不足而不同,但习惯上被用来在某些情况下。Wasting is not etiologically or pathologically different from undernutrition but has been used customarily in certain contexts.

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有道德的严格纯素食者,包括我,总是因为我们把社会对待动物的方式等同于大屠杀受到斥责。Strict ethical vegans, of which I am one, are customarily excoriated forequating our society’s treatment of animals with mass murder.

美国第6任总统约翰·昆西·亚当斯天热的时候习惯黎明前到波托马克河裸泳。In warm weather, 6th president of the United States John Quincy Adams customarily went skinny-dipping in the Potomac River before dawn.

他把这些人物如实地形诸笔墨,他们的谈话和思想所用的语言就是他们平常用来谈话和思想的语言。He put these people down on paper as they are, and he made them talk and think in the language they customarily used for these purposes.