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您希望收到季度报告表吗?Would you like quarterly statements?

2级″至少每个季度要打个电话或是发封邮件。A “2″ gets a quarterly call or e-mail.

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隔日,MF市值损失四分之一。The next day MF disclosed a quarterly loss.

这姑娘领到了一个季度的利息。The young girl had received her quarterly income.

还有一个是一家教育季刊网站。A third one was the page of an education quarterly.

这份报告按季节把利润和亏损分类。The report breaks out quarterly profits and losses.

美国宗教史协会,芝加哥大学。Quarterly. 1932- , American Society of Church History.

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与之相比,2010年每季度平均移民人数为384人。That compares with a quarterly average of 384 in 2010.

当你想着季度报告的时候,他们在想着“嗯”。While you think quarterly report, they're thinking 'mmm.

收益率的计算是基于每季的股份级别。Yield isc alc ulated based on the quarterly share class.

付款可能每年、每半年、或每季支付。Payments may be made annually, semiannually , or quarterly.

我们专注于在每一季为股东提供价值。We focus on offering shareholders value on a quarterly basis.

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大多数公司会计年度按月、季、年计算。In most businesses, this is done monthly, quarterly and annually.

按月或按季公布的经济数据分别乘以12或4即为年率数据。Monthly or quarterly announced economic data multiplying 12 or 4.

沃尔玛将在2月22日公布其季度和年度收入。Wal-Mart will release its quarterly and year-end results Feb. 22.

一个很完整的书目似乎季刊杂志-历史。A very complete bibliography appears quarterly in the Revued'hist.

欧洲钢铁企业仍未签署新的季度合约。European steelmakers have yet to sign any new quarterly contracts.

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季刊是每3个月出版一次的期刊。The quarterly magazine is a periodical published every three months.

将节点名设置为用于每季度备份的专用节点名Set nodename to the dedicated nodename used for your quarterly backups

季度报告来来去去,而希腊是不会偿还这些债务的。Quarterly reports come and go, but Greece will never repay these debts.