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玉米该抽穗了。The corn should be earing up.

他全身上下都穿着黑衣服。He was in black from crew to earing.

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疯牛症患者通常在病发后六个月内不治。CJD usually kills within six months of the first symptoms a earing.

南国的小麦正在抽穗,油菜正在开花。In the southern part of the country wheat is earing and rapeseed is in bloom.

这种各向异性使钽板在深冲过程中制耳现象严重,金属损失大。The anisotropy results in serious earing and heavy metal loss during deel drawing of Ta slab.

总收入大于总支出的差额,称为净收入或净收益或净利润。Anexcess of total revenues over total expenses is called net income , net earing or net profit.

表示显症病苗经过症状隐蔽阶段后又重新显症,并于抽穗前死亡。Displayed- symptom diseased seedlings redisplayed symptom after a hidden- symptom stage and died before earing.

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用P-V技术研究了冬小麦苗期、拔节期和孕穗期功能叶膨压维持方式。P-V technique was used to test the mode of turgor maintenance of wheat leaf at seedling, jointing and earing stages.

以3004铝合金为实验材料,研究了异步轧制对该合金的变形织构以及相应的制耳率的影响。Effects of cross shear rolling on the deformation textures and the deep drawing earing of 3004 aluminium alloy were studied.

我总是记得你离开爱的耳钉,因为它耳钉我穿,并期待着与您会晤是一个梦想。I always remember you left Earing of love, because it has Earing me to wear and look forward to meeting with you in a dream.

证明该模型对预测小麦穗期蚜虫发生程度有较好效果。This indicated a satisfactory practical value of this model in forecasting the occurrence of wheat aphids in the earing stage.

藉由较高的耳索能力和状态事业在家的外面受到能力的影响在家庭里面练习力量。With higher earing capacity and status occupations outside of the home comes the capacity to exercise power within the family.

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另外还探讨了调整工艺参数,控制织构生成以消除板材制耳效应的可能性。The possibility to eliminate earing effect by optimizing the processing parameters and controlling the texture formation was also discussed.

结果表明,持续高产田具有成穗率高、穗型大、谷草比高的生育特点。The results showed that the sustainable high yield population was characterized by high earing rate, big spike size and high ratio of grain-straw.

文章探讨了如何通过提高生产力组织运行质量提高中小企业发展质量和收益率的问题。This paper probes into the problem of how to increase the earing ratio through increasing the operating quality of productivity promotion organizations.

部分症状隐蔽病苗又会重新转化为徒长苗,其转化高峰发生于水稻拔节初期、破口初期。A part of hidden symptom seedlings might retransform into leggy seedlings, the transformation peaks occurred at early jointing stage and early earing stage.

通过对紫铜带材的性能与拉深试验,分析、介绍了材料的性能与各向异性对拉深杯形件制耳的影响,以及消除制耳的一般方法。This paper analyzes and introduces the effect of anisotropy and mechanical properties on earing, and general method of removing earing through mechanical property and drawing test.

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本文将小麦分蘖成穗过程看作一个动态自调系统,提出了其控制论的文字描述模型及相应的数学模型。Taking the process of winter wheat tillering and earing as a dynamic self-adjusting system, the cybernetic literal description of models and their corresponding mathematic models are proposed.

太湖地区小麦生长季节土壤氮磷向水体迁移的环境风险在小麦抽穗期后相对较高。This implied that the relatively high risk of N and P losses through leaching and runoff in Taihu Lake region during season of wheat growth could probably occur after earing stage of the wheat growth.