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而结果是一致的“That's "congruent."

假如你想要成功,那你一定要始终如一。If you want to succeed, you must be congruent.

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与其他仙女星人接触者的报告相一致Congruent with statements of other Andromedan contactees

双方的利益是否存在真正的一致性?Would the interests of the two sides ever be truly congruent?

与196卝4年美国情报对灰人和爬虫族外星人的评估相一致Congruent with 1964 U.S. Intelligence estimate on greys and Reptilians

单字判断任务不一致条件的幅值也显著小于一致条件的。The amplitudes of incongruent stimuli were smaller than the congruent ones in word task.

为了成功的和一个女人交往,她的自我形象,需要与你想要的结果一致。To succeed with a woman, her self-image needs to be congruent with your desired outcome.

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仅是与你的生活和谐相处,换句话说,就是活在当下并享受当下。Just become congruent with life, in other words just stay in the now and enjoy your presence.

通过运用初等数论方法,推导出本原同余数公式。The original congruent number formula has been deduced by fundmental methods of number theory.

同时还给出互余式组与同余式组的一个等价转换定理。In this paper, a conversion theorem of equal values for complementation and congruent is also given.

有时候,这很难,因为他们所说的和他们所感受的有时候是不一致的。At times this is very difficult because what they say and what they feel are sometimes not congruent.

她有一个非常有用的态度,更确切地来说,她有两个完全一致的非常有用的态度。She has a Really Useful Attitude or, to be more precise, two fully congruent Really Useful Attitudes.

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他们通过耳机互相确认之后,把总裁带到了一个合适的地点。They confirmed with each other in their headphones and moved the businessman to a congruent location.

在正常的髌股关节中,髌骨的活动轨迹应处于滑车沟的中心。For a congruent patellofemoral articulation, the patella must track centrally in the trochlear groove.

每个面都是全等正多角形和全等多面角的。用于多面体。Having faces that are congruent regular polygons and congruent polyhedral angles. Used of polyhedrons.

她们因内心的价值观而合理地存在着,她们是简洁的,温和的,谦逊的,积极的。Their way of being is congruent with their inner values. They are simple, modest, humble and positive.

成矿作用与成岩作用协调进行,并贯穿于成岩的全过程。The mineralization was congruent with the rock-forming process, and consistent throughout the whole process.

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Zaller还说了很多有关和人们的内在倾向是一致或矛盾的讯息。Also Zaller talks a lot about messages that are congruent or discordant with people's underlying predispositions.

所以我们的许多困惑、许多无奈都来自我们的现实生活不能与自己的价值观相符合。So many of our struggles and feelings of powerlessness come from living a life that isn’t congruent with our values.

较符合预期结果的是肤电流、指温与心跳速率这三种生理指标的变化方向。The changing pattern of GSR, finger temperature, and heart rate were more congruent with the expectation than EMG and BVP.