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无休止的慷慨激昂,无休止的戏谑挖苦。On and on the harangue went, an endless sport.

他的一个手势所造成的影响,远胜于别人的长篇大论。They perform more by a gesture than others by a long harangue.

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我们务必走听相关我们缺点的长篇大论。We had to listen to a long harangue about our own shortcomings.

我们必须去听一有关我们缺点的长篇大论。We had to listen to a long harangue about our own shortcomings.

他走到台前,开始对听众慷慨陈辞。He walked to the front of the stage and began to harangue the audience.

正如美国的政客抨击银行家一样,银行家现在正在回击。EVEN as America’s politicians harangue the bankers, the bankers are sniping back.

球员们可以将一名裁判包围起来大声责骂,而不受到任何处罚。Professional players can surround a referee and harangue him, and get away with it.

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所以我猜各位对我不厌其烦地讨论科学与艺术的关系是否感到有点疲倦。So I wonder, are you getting a little tired of my harangue about "science" and "art"?

因为原创,所以我选择以长篇大论表达我的文章主旨。Because be achieved formerly, so I choose to convey my article major idea with harangue.

他需要发出这篇冗长的攻击性演说,他需要写出这篇被政治意图策动的高谈阔论。He needs to voice this tirade, and he needs to write this politically motivated harangue.

演员不用长时间工作,他们并不需要为他们的工资长篇大论网站所有者。The actors need not work long hours and they do not need to harangue the website owners for their wages.

她骂够了,让我走开,晚会继续进行着,但晚会的气氛已经大打折扣。After her harangue was over and I had been dismissed, the party continued, but the atmosphere was much more subdued.

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被咆哮者再次遇见问题时将会犹疑着去报告经理,因为他们不想耐着性子听完另一次长篇大论。They will hesitate to come to the manager with the problem again, because they won't want to sit through another harangue.

自己从没向怙恃说起过这个话题,但自己的确对自己地某个小同伴高谈阔论过,自己还依稀记得他怙恃地不满反响。I said nothing of this to my parents, but I did harangue one or another of my little friends, and I vaguely remember a parental repercussion.

此言一出立即惹怒了很多女人,有个愤怒的女读者长篇大论驳斥老愚,又引起新一轮的读者辩论。This character instantly rile a lot of women, the old fool of denounce of female reader harangue that has an anger, cause again new round reader argues.

你只要与哈罗德谈起石油价格,他就会开始大谈政府及其国内外的金融政策。You only have to mention the price of petrol to Harold and he launches out into a harangue about the government and its financial policies at home and abroad.

只有140个字母,拒绝长篇大论和空洞煽情,但最适合絮絮叨叨的网络80后的表达习惯。Have 140 letters only, refuse harangue and empty stir, but the 80 expression after are used to the network that suits garrulous long-winded be favored with most.

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老头子自己也知道已获得人家的重视,因而在那崇高的院长面前,满怀信心,夸夸其谈地说了一通相当乱而又非常深刻的乡下人的话。The goodman , with the assurance of a person who feels that he is appreciated, entered into a rather diffuse and very deep rustic harangue to the reverend prioress.

他们所谓的‘开放,诚实’可能就是用来结束四年内战的全国性的牛皮,这个牛皮把奴隶制当在内战唯一原因,成为我们需要如何驳斥‘种族主义’的方式。Their 'open, honest' discussion will probably end up being a four-year-long national harangue about slavery being the sole cause and how we need to repudiate our 'racist' attitudes.