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她在我公寓里到处搜索寻找存折。She ransack my apartment for the bankbook.

我遍查字典找寻合适的词。I ransack a dictionary to find just the right word.

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为了保护孩子,他决定秘密搜查。To protect the child, he decides to ransack secretly.

但是过了一个月,搜查依然没有进展。But spent a month, ransack to still do not have progress.

他要找一根线,开始翻腾哈哈哈针线盒。He began to ransack his mother's workbox for a piece of thread.

崔真实向警方求助搜查事实真相,但于事无补。Cui Zhen fact appeals to police ransack nitty-gritty , but at job of no help.

他开始掏他老师的书桌,要找一点做手工所需要的蜡和麻线。He began to ransack his tutor's desk for a piece of wax, or twine, necessary to his work.

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半人马部落恐怖地统治着卡利姆多的贫瘠之地,并且劫掠当地人的村庄和城市。Centaur tribes terrorize the Barrens of Kalimdor and ransack the indigenous peoples' villages and cities.

还有一些担心他会侵占沃尔沃的知识产权以提高吉利相对落后的车。Some also fear that he will ransack Volvo’s intellectual property to boost Geely’s less sophisticated cars.

但是他说考古学家在和掠夺者们展开一场较量。在专家们能对古址进行发掘之前往往会被盗墓者的洗劫。But he said archaeologists were struggling to keep up with looters, who often ransack ancient sites before the experts can get to them.

政府派出警察搜查该国著名的调查记者查莫洛以及一个妇女团体的办公室。It sent police to ransack the offices of the country’s leading investigative journalist, Carlos Fernando Chamorro, and those of a women’s group.

他和他的部下拆开密封,81分的飞机从恶魔凡人平面,允许他们进入人世的,他们高高兴兴地开始洗劫。He and his minions broke open the 81 seals that divided the Mortal plane from the Demon plane, allowing them access to the mortal world, which they cheerfully began to ransack.

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由于赤城缺席,因为偷税被降职为ST的指挥官百合根友久只得想尽办法协调ST和搜查本部的关系。Because bare city is absent, because evade taxes is by demote the friend of commander lily root of ST is long be obliged to think method is harmonious ST and ransack the relation of cadre.