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对它的评价有褒有贬。Have to its evaluation honour have demote.

无缘无故将一名员工降级是违法的。It is illegal to demote an employee without reason.

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“我们打算把PC贬为仅是设备”,乔布斯说。“We are going to demote the PC to just be a device, ” Steve Jobs said.

若要降级字段,请选择字段,再单击工具栏上的“降级”。To demote a field, select the field and then click Demote on the toolbar.

这只是一些情况,所以不要降级您的巫师或过于赞扬你德鲁伊。It 's just somethingthathappens–so don't demote your Shamans or overly praise your Druids.

当信用评级机构将一个国家的信用降级,这就证明现在这个国家投资有风险。When ratings agencies demote a country's credit rating it means they think it is now a riskier place to invest.

东盟领导需要选择,他们是否将让缅甸把东盟降级成为政府间论坛的笑柄。ASEAN leaders need to decide if they will let Burma demote ASEAN to the laughingstock of intergovernmental forums.

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它对功能的优先级还有达尔文效应,用户可以自行提高或降低功能的优先级。It also provides a Darwinian effect for feature prioritization where users self-promote or demote suggested features.

如果他们滥用得到的权力,你可以对他们进行降级或者取消他们当前所处的等级。If the players abuse the power they are given, then demote them, or remove some of the options from their current rank.

所以单词“冥王星”有了一个新的意义-它后来被定义为“降级或贬低某人或某事。The word "pluto" took on a new meaning with this move — it came to be defined as "to demote or devalue someone or something.

例如,只要发布新内容,触发器就会向您发送电子邮件,或者如果事例被编辑,就会降级头版事例。For example, a trigger can send you e-mail whenever new content is posted or can demote a front-page story if the story is edited.

这一连串的行为给杨志带来了麻烦,梁中书一气之下,将杨志贬为伙头军。This a chain of behavior brought a trouble to Yang Zhi, under stretch of the book in bridge, demote Yang Zhi it is group of head army.

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作为一种工具,团体电脑将被甩在身后。我们将把数字生活的中心移至“云”中。We are going to demote the PC to just be adevice. We are going to move the digital hub, the center of your digital life, into the cloud.

许多天文学家对这个前景感到十分不安,Stern说,而那样的不安也是当初决定将冥王星降级的重要因素之一。Many astronomers were uncomfortable with this prospect, according to Stern, and that discomfort was a big factor in the decision to demote Pluto.

词人也时而直接咏叹、褒贬时事,有意识地表现出以词“存史”的写实精神。Liu Chenweng were also sometimes to chant, appraise and demote current events directly, show his spirit of realism to keep history by writing words.

新泽西罗格斯大学的科学哲学家蒂姆?莫德林很赞同放弃把测量这一概念当作一个特殊过程。Tim Maudlin, a philosopher of science based at Rutgers University in New Jersey, applauds its attempt to demote measurement from the status of a special process.

望京现象也反映了宋人对贬谪的惧怕,对京职的留恋,对中原文化的眷恋和对落后地区的畏惧与鄙。In the same time, this phenomenon reflected the Song officials fearing of demote and their reluctance to leave the government posts, sentimentally attached to the.

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去年在柯伊柏带发现了一颗比冥王星略大的天体,这引发了是给冥王星降级还是承认新发现的天体是大行星的争论。The discovery of an icy object slightly larger than Pluto in the Kuiper Belt last year reinvigorated the argument over whether to demote Pluto or add other planets.

为了满足用人单位的需要,必须对目前体育系田径专业现行的教学内容和方法进行必要的调整。In order to satisfy the needs of the units to promote or demote staff the actual teaching contents and methods applied in students of track & field specialty should be modulated.

由于赤城缺席,因为偷税被降职为ST的指挥官百合根友久只得想尽办法协调ST和搜查本部的关系。Because bare city is absent, because evade taxes is by demote the friend of commander lily root of ST is long be obliged to think method is harmonious ST and ransack the relation of cadre.