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于是家父去见乐队负责人。My father went to see this bandleader.

里奇是在纽约的古巴领队。Ricky is a Cuban bandleader in New York.

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他父亲是个著名的号手、作曲家和乐队指挥。His father is a noted trumpeter, composer and bandleader.

他是第一个创建和普及一种爵士风格的白人乐队领队。He was the first white bandleader to adopt and popularize a jazz style.

他们的父亲是伴舞乐队的指挥,他们的母亲教授合唱。Their father was a bandleader and their mother taught harmony singing.

虽然仍然在她十几岁,她继续与爵士乐乐队领队诺布尔Sissle领导的乐队巡演。While still in her teens, she went on tour with an orchestra led by jazz bandleader Noble Sissle.

1909年,本尼?古德曼爵士单簧管演奏家和指挥,而被称为“国王的”,是出生在芝加哥。And 1909, Benny Goodman, the jazz clarinetist and bandleader known as the "King of Swing", is born in Chicago.

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如果要解释爵士乐唱片,一个强有力的候选人将是“一种蓝”的小号演奏家和乐队指挥迈尔斯戴维斯。If one album had to explain jazz, a strong candidate would be "Kind of Blue" by the trumpet player and bandleader Miles Davis.

贝尼·古德曼是一位杰出的乐队领导和单簧管演奏者,也是首位在团队中雇佣黑人的音乐家。Benny Goodman, a preeminent white bandleader and clarinetist, was the first to hire a black musician to be part of his ensemble.

乐队指挥盖伊·伦巴多协助将“美好的昔日”转化为现代风格。这首歌已经成为众所周知新年开始的标志。A bandleader named Guy Lombardo helped make " Auld Lang Syne" a modern tradition. The song has become a well known signal of the beginning of another year.