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后来市场就开始变萧条了。Later,the market began to stagnate.

然而有的时候,我们会停滞不前。Then there are times when we stagnate.

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一开始,你会学到很多,但是之后你就止步不前了。You learn a lot in the beginning and then stagnate.

自然界最不可饶恕的罪行就是驻足不前,淤滞停止。The one unpardonable sin of nature is to stand still, to stagnate.

但是如果你不学会托付你,你将会在事业上停滞。But if you don’t learn to delegate you will stagnate your business.

另外,女性在生孩子以后,她们的工资通常停滞不前或者下降。Also, women tend to see wages stagnate or fall after they have children.

在接下来的几年里,国家的财富将会停滞不前或者是收缩。In the next few years, the nation’s wealth will either stagnate or shrink.

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否则,这个项目很有可能会停滞不前而你的组员也失去了前进的动力。Otherwise, the project can stagnate and people on your team can lose momentum.

当我处于停滞不前的状态时,我会有一种是什么让我停滞不前的意识。When I’m in a state of stagnancy, I’ll get a sense of what’s making me stagnate.

我的技能,我的心,我的心,我的身体会停滞不前,腐病,死免得我把它们很好地利用。My skills, my mind, my heart, and my body will stagnate , rot, and die lest I put them to good use.

现在我打算讨论这一现象,并解释在其他人停滞不前时使得一些人前进的步骤。Today I want to discuss this phenomenon and explain the steps that cause some people to progress, while others stagnate.

慢性胃炎中医治疗上注意预防寒凝、食积、阴虚和痰结等病变出现。The treatment of chronic gastritis in TCM should note to prevent Cold stagnate , Food plot , Yin weak and Sputum stagnate.

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正当我想把这消息告诉盛靓洁,侧头要叫她时,目光再一次凝滞了。Proper I want to tell the prosperous Jing Jie this news, the vision is again stagnate when the side head wants to call her.

虽然GDP的增长率引人瞩目,但是却有4亿人的纯收入在过去的十年里有减无增。Despite impressive GDP growth, about 400 million people have seen their net incomes stagnate or decline over the past decade.

结果细胞接种后第1~3天为静止生长期,第5~10天处于对数生长期,第12天后进入平台期。Results After cells inoculation, 1-3 days was latent phase, 5-10 days was logarithmic phase and stagnate phase was from 12 days.

它促使你对你的工作更在行,更了解,你会不断地寻求帮助,去创新,去创造,这样你就不会停滞不前。It drives you to become better at your craft, to learn more about it, to seek help, to innovate, to create, so you won’t stagnate.

斯托曼担心,如果计算机科学家无法互相学习对方的代码,编程这个行当会成为死水一潭。Stailman fretted that if computer scientists could no longer learn from one another's code, the art of programming would stagnate.

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清醒地认识江苏在世界发展大格局中的方位和水平,不为目前的小富而停滞。Knew Jiangsu soberly , in the world develops in the big pattern position and the level, small rich does not stagnate for at present.

有讽刺意味的是,由于工资成本下降或停滞不前,工人的困境却可能让许多公司短期的收益超出预期。Paradoxically, labor's woes likely will enable many firms to beat near-term earnings expectations, as wage costs dwindle or stagnate.

美国纵容以色列扩建犹太人定居点,不惜让和平进程停滞,损害了巴以达成两国共存方案的最后机会。对于这一切,阿拉伯人敢怒不敢言。and allowed the peace process to stagnate as Israeli settlement activity compromised the last chance of a two-state solution in Palestine.