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彼得,住嘴!Shut up, Peter!

就堵住了他的嘴。That shut him up.

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你从来不住嘴。You never shut up.

他把他的杂货店关闭了。He shut his grocery.

嗨,给我收声,婊子!Hey, shut up, bitch!

把门关严实。Shut the door tight.

苏,请关上门。Please shut the door.

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砰的一声,门关上了。The door banged shut.

门就关了。And the door was shut.

你能不能叫他别再说了?。Can't you shut him up?

他被禁闭在一间屋里。He was shut in a room.

请把门关上。Shut the door, please.

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把窗户关严了。Shut the window tight.

门咔哒一声关上了。The door clicked shut.

门咔嗒一声关上了。The door clicked shut.

门关得牢牢的。The door's shut tight.

这窗户关不上。The window won't shut.

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这窗子关不上。The window won't shut.

门砰地一声关上了。Thee door banged shut.

白日封起的客厅。In parlors shut by day.