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我只要我和你。I want us.

带我们上去!Take us up!

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让我们开始吧。Let us begin.

让我们继续谈下往。Let us go on.

我们看着他死去了。He died on us.

他们信任我们。They trust us.

他挥手叫我们前进。He waved us on.

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您能帮帮我们吗?Can you help us?

他把我们都问住了。He had us there.

他是自己人。He is one of us.

让我们澄清一下。Let us be clear.

让我们坐下来详谈。Let us sit down.

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是思想还是我们?The ideas or us?

让我们去吧,艾伦。Let us go, Ellen.

举头三尺只有蓝天。Above us only sky.

我们都有资格。All of us qualify.

宝贝,让我们大放光芒吧!Baby let us shine.

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他正把我们送上去!He's taking us up!

这回,让他们追着咱吧。Let them chase us.

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